Friday, June 27, 2014

Being Blessed

Numbers 6:24-25

‘” The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD
make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;
the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.”’
Numbers 6:24-26 (NIV)

God blesses those who love Him and obey Him. He brightens our days by letting us know we are His. The LORD comes to our assistance when someone prays for us. Each of us has experienced times when we felt the prayers of our Christian brothers and sisters.
We have times where we actually see God working in our lives, a result of God’s actions- we call these times God moments. We have a need; something happens and we feel His presence or we receive favor from Him.
When we receive a blessing from our Father, we should give thanks. We then get to give testimony of the blessing we received when we go to worship with our faith community. There was a time in my life I didn’t feel close to God. The church where I worshipped had a time of testimony at each service. At one service, I started writing down the names of those who gave praises and testimonies. I realized God was at work even though I couldn’t see it.
I enjoy writing down the gifts God has given me. This is an almost daily exercise. When I happen to have a bad day, I go through my list and thank Him again for what he has done for me on an earlier day.

As I worked on this entry, I had to make some phone calls for my hubby. Doing this kind of activity always unnerves me. I had to call a store that sells home improvement items and other merchandise. The first call netted me talking to four different departments. I had to hang up and call again. I talked to the woman in the department I couldn’t reach on the first call. Then I had to call the manufacturer. The number we gleaned from the paper work of the item we had purchased gave me a busy signal several times. I went to the website and found I had been given a number minus one digit. I called that number to make contact to find out the price of the item we needed to replace. Then we found out they only take credit cards, no checks or money orders. I received a blessing in all of this. I did not get upset or lose my cool. I am calm and composed That makes me feel blessed.

Graphic: Pinterest- Sunshine Taylor


  1. That's a blessing, quiet, to remain calm like that!

    1. Thank you for stopping in, Sandi. Yes, I felt very blessed that day,

  2. Lovely blog! Very inspiring and comforting. Thank you for your visit. Thank you for your sweet comment.

    1. Thank you for the compliment. Thank you for deciding to follow me. Blessings on you and yours.


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