Friday, June 13, 2014

Glorious Joy

“Though you have not seen him, you love him;
and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him
and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy.”
 1 Peter 1:8(NIV)

“Though you have not seen him. . .” We might not see Jesus every day. It may be that we don’t see Him as we see one another. We don’t know when we will envision Him. But there will be times when we DO see Him.

“. . . you love him. . . ” We do love Him because he forgave us our sins. If we kept every sin we committed and let them come to mind each day, we would be very miserable people, unable to think about anything else or act on any project.

“. . . even though you do not see him now. . . ” We might not visibly see Jesus. We may feel His presence. There is an old adage-“Seeing is believing.” In the realm of God’s world, I hold to the concept that “Believing is seeing.”

“. . . you believe in him. . . ” Peter wrote this epistle to God’s chosen people who had been scattered throughout most of the known world at that time, people who were chosen according to God’s will. 

“. . . are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy.” When we see Jesus in the deeds and actions of others we cannot describe the way we feel. All we can do is praise the Lord for His goodness to us.

Dear Lord God:
               We praise You for who You are, our Savior, our Redeemer, Our Lord. We rejoice in what You do for us, Your children. We thank You for Your presence in our lives. In the name of Jesus, I pray. AMEN



  1. Beautiful! I especially liked your line, "Believing is seeing." Thanks for the encouragement this morning. :)

    1. Peggi: Thank you for you kind words. Blessings on you and yours this weekend.

  2. know Him is glorious joy indeed! Amen!

    1. Pam: Thank you for dropping in. Some friends of mine and I used to wonder. Where would we be without God? God IS love. He's so good to us.

  3. This scripture has always been intriguing to me Cecelia. Yes, I want to see Him, but I also want to believe without seeing Him... kind of dual feelings here :)

    1. Marja: Thank you for stoppping by. I understand those dual feelings. The older I get, the more I want to see Him. He wants our love and our faith. I believe He rewards faith by allowing the believers to see Him at the right time.

  4. That's the line that stood out to me, too. "Believing is seeing." That is the truth!

    1. Thank you, Rhonda. I just pray that others would understand the concept of believing helps our seeing.


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