Monday, June 23, 2014

Great Joy

“When the crowds heard Philip and saw the miraculous signs he did,
 they all paid close attention to what he said. With shrieks,
 evil spirits came out of many, and many were healed. So there was great joy in that city.”
 Acts 8:6-8

When we hear of someone being healed in modern times, people either give thanks to the Lord or they just pass it off as something minor In the first century people watched intently as Philip performed miracles on the sick and demon possessed of Jerusalem.

In today’s world we have chronic diseases that can be controlled by medications. We also have some illnesses that our society spends time, energy and funds to research cures for.

In the world of the first century, people thought that a lot of those inflicted with disease were demon possessed. When anyone could rid another person of the demons, there was a time of time of rejoicing.

When a Christian passes from this earth, those left behind go through a time of grief. Sometimes this is a bittersweet time for them. Those left behind are saddened because their loved one is gone. Deep down they know the departed is no longer in pain and is not ill anymore.

When our loved ones are healed, we should give thanks to God. Healing comes in several forms. Cancer can go into remission. Arthritis also goes into a form of remission. Ones whose illness goes 
into remission are considered healed.


  1. I must admit, I've learned to appreciate the smaller gifts from God rather than look for big ticket items, like being healed from my migraines and FM. Instead, I've learned to say Thank You to God for blessing me with a great support system and the ability to have medical insurance for my family. It's much better than focusing on the negatives of it all. I always know it could be much worse.

    1. Hello Elsie: When we learn to thank Him for the small things, God becomes more precious to us. A good support team is a wonderful thing to have. We were blessed with good medical insurance when our son was small. But, alas, all that has changed over the years. But we still have some. Those negatives tend to try to wear me down. I prefer to look to God.

  2. Healing comes in many you have already said. We do need to rejoice in our healings no matter how insignificant they may appear to be. Every day is a gift from God. We need to praise God for every breath.

    1. Hi Pamela: As long as I take certain meds, I am controlling my disorders. If I stay away from certain foods, I am controlling them, also. Each day is TRULY a gift from God. When I choose to think that, I have a bettter day. Blessings to you.

  3. "Joy is the serious business of heaven." I think C. S. Lewis said that.

    I love the topic of joy! I love being around people who have it. :)

    1. Hi Rhonda: We have joy in our hearts because we know God. He gives us joy in our lives because He loves us.

  4. He is faithful - so grateful for that in my life. Have a great week!

    1. Karen: Great is His faithfulness. He works when we don't even realize He is around. Blessings on you and yours.


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