Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Meet Author Lynda Lee Schab

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Today, we will meet a very busy author, Lynda Lee Schab. I became acquainted with her through her blog  She also has a website,  Let’s begin our talk.

QS: Thank you, Lynda, for stopping by and talking with us.

QS: Please tell us about yourself

LS: I got my writing start in greeting cards and have many articles and stories published in magazines and online publications. I work behind the scenes at, I regularly review books for, but my passion has always been fiction. Her novels, MIND OVER MADI and MADILY IN LOVE, are available in print and on Kindle. I live in Michigan with my two children.

QS: How long have you been writing?

LS: As my website bio states, I think I carried a pencil with me out of the womb. I remember writing short stories in elementary school and plays for my cousins and me to perform for our family, and I spent countless hours just making up stories in my head. It goes without saying that reading was a huge part of my life as well. Books were a wonderful escape for me and only fueled my writing desire. The first thing I ever got professionally published was a greeting card for Blue Mountain Arts. From there, I went on to write and publish more greeting card copy, magazine articles, web content, short stories, and eventually two full length novels. Now I freelance for a couple of regular clients but have put my fiction on the shelf for a season, due to current life circumstances. But I definitely intend to get back to it one day.

QS: In what genre do you write?

LS: My favorite genre to read is suspense, particularly legal thrillers, but I don’t have the education, experience, or the patience for hours of research to write them myself. I have a half-written fun mystery I hope to return to at some point, and have written short stories in many different genres (including biblical fiction and historical), but my published novels, Mind over Madi and Madily in Love, are lighthearted women’s fiction. They are fun and laced with humor, with a dose of hope and grace. They are published through OakTara and available in print and on Kindle at

QS: Do you have a ‘day job?’
LS: Right now I work full time in administration for a concrete company and do my freelance work in the evenings and weekends. Unfortunately, my dream of an office overlooking the water where I can write novels all day will have to wait a while. But I’m a dreamer and an optimist, so I’m holding onto the belief that it really will happen one day!
 QS: Have you written before this?
LS: As I mentioned above, I have lots of published work out there, but writing a novel has been something I wanted to do for as long as I can remember. It took many years and a lot more perseverance than I thought I had. Looking back, I can see God’s hand in everything that brought me to that point, from the people I met to the opportunities presented to me. I did write and self-publish an e-book titled, “This Little Writer Went to Market,” based on a workshop I taught at a FaithWriters conference a few years ago. It’s a simple book that offers advice and information on getting started as a freelance writer in various markets – greeting cards, magazines, anthologies, online publications, and more. This Little Writer Went to Market is available in the FaithWriters e-book store and on Amazon.

QS: Do you write a blog? Please give us the address.
LS: I maintained a blog titled On the Write Track for several years, but honestly, I haven’t updated it in a while. Again, I’ve been going through some personal issues that have prevented me from keeping up with it. Like my fiction, I hope to reignite it at some point. There is a lot of good information there, though, so if writers/readers have some time and want to browse, the address is

QS: Tell us about your kids.

LS: Oh, I love to brag on my kids! I have a 20-year-old son who is attending community college in the fall. He’s inherited my creative genes, reads obsessively, and is an exceptionally talented writer. He has also directed several personal videos. He would love to go into film-making and it wouldn’t surprise me if he receives an Oscar one day (spoken as both a mother and a fan). My daughter is 17. She is very bright, has a compassionate heart and wonderful insight into people and life, in general. She graduates from high school next year and will go on to earn a degree in childhood education. She wants to be a kindergarten teacher, which I believe is a perfect choice for her.

 QS: Thank you, Lynda for sharing facts about your writing life with us. Readers, you will get to find out about her non-fiction book, "This Little Writer Went to Market"  on Friday.



  1. Very interesting article. I need to get that book. I at times wished I could write greeting cards.

    1. Becky: Thanks for stopping in. I posted this review on Amazon; I used a title for my review as "A book I plan to refer to often. Blessings on you and yours.

  2. Hi Cecelia! She sounds like such a lovely person. I'm sure you enjoyed interviewing her! So 'down to earth'. Thank you for introducing her to me :)

    1. It is fun to get to know a bit about writers. When she was able to keep her blog going, it was one I looked forward to reading.She has two fiction books that got published.

  3. Thank you, ladies, for stopping by and for taking the time to comment. I do consider myself "down to earth" Ceil - stuffy is definitely not my style. :-) Glad you enjoyed the interview! And thanks to Cecelia for inviting me.


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