Wednesday, September 17, 2014

God Speaks

“After this, the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision: ‘Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward.’” Genesis 15:1(NIV)

I find this verse speaks to my heart. The God of the universe thought so much of Abram that He appeared to him in a vision.

I can’t say I have had a visual experience like Abram but I do know that God has spoken to me in times of my need. At a low time in my life, God spoke through His Word. He told me to ‘Choose life.’ No, I was not thinking thoughts of doing danger to myself. I was looking at a circumstance in my life that had taken me into prolonged depression.

He recently spoke to me through a friend from church. His wife had undergone a sixth surgery in just over a year. I had called him to get a report on how the procedure went. We got to talking about other things. I expressed my desire to attend a conference to see how I could improve my writing. We usually had been working together in a group on a project at church each fall. If the project was going to happen this fall, I knew I had to be committed to working on it every weekend for three months.

His words were straight from the LORD. “If you think that going to that conference will help you progress in your writing skills, then, by all means, go.”

At other times, God speaks to me audibly. I sometimes find myself making a phone call to a friend and that friend will say, “I was just thinking about calling you.” And then we do some serious talking about her situation or about mine.

I learned several years ago that, if I had a person’s name comes to my mind three times; God wants me to pray for him or her. When I check up on that person, I find the person’s name came to mind because I needed to pray for them.

I don’t worry that God hasn’t approached me in the same way He did Abram. I’m thankful He sees fit to speak to me in any way He chooses.

What have experiences have you had with God speaking to you?


  1. Hi Quiet Spirit -

    God has spoken to my heart many times. Once when I was being prepared for surgery, He brought the scripture Isaiah 26:3 to me. I kept my mind focused on him, and had peace through the entire experience.

    Have a blessed day!


    1. Susan: I lovve that scripture God brought to you in your time of need.
      We have to keep our mind focused on Him at all times. Blessings to you and yours.

  2. God speaks to me through his people, through his word, through song, and in the sudden moments of joy that seem to come from the Holy Spirit and not from me.

    1. Tyrean: Thank you for stoppin in. It amazes me that God chooses to speak to us in so many various ways. I am puzzled when I realize He has spoken to me and I have not listened.


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