Monday, September 1, 2014

“I AM”

“God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.
This is what you are to say to the Israelites:
 ‘I AM has sent me to you.’”
Exodus 3:14 (NIV)

Moses had some concerns about the task God lay before him. Moses first felt that he was not worthy of doing the job. If someone had asked him he would have said he wasn’t the person to do this gargantuan work. God told Moses that He would be with him as he performed his part in the work to rescue the Israelite people.

Moses used second excuse to try to get shed of this. “If they ask me the name of who sent me, what shall I tell them?” (Exodus 3:13)

God responds with the words of our focus verse. “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’ “

What does God say here? His answer tells us a lot about our heavenly Father. He uses simple, direct words—I AM. These show me the strength of God. He uses a thunderous voice to say this. He tells Moses, and later us, that He is in the present—not just the past or the future. He has already told Moses He would go with him when he does this job. God will be with His people in the future as well as the present.

A literal translation of the name God called Himself is God is who He is; the absolute I the self-existent One.1

God makes this statement in such a way as to make His position firm in the minds of those who follow Him.
Sometimes, we get so involved in life and all it brings to us that we forget God’s message here. We forget He told Moses who He was-I AM.
We need to remember Who He is and that his name brings us comfort in our darkest times.

God is Who He says He is—He is I AM. We are blessed to know Him and to know His name and all the meanings of His wonderful name.
  1. The New Unger’s Bible Dictionary © 1957, 1961, 1966, 1985, 1988. Moody Bible Institute. Chicago, p. 600


  1. Oh yes! The Great I AM, who has spoken to us and cared for us as His special children. The Great I AM who was, and is and is to come. He is the One Who will never leave us or forsake us! Oh, that we could always remember this! Thank you for this reminder today. I needed this.

    1. Pam:
      We don't realize how great God is until we go through a difficult time-spiritually, emotionally, or even financially. He is always there ready to help us, if we allow Him.

  2. Hi Cecelia! I like your point that God is in our 'right now'. He is now, and will be forever. I wonder if that name was good enough for Moses, or if he really had to ponder it's meaning? I would have to, if I was him!

    1. Ceil:
      I, also, would have to ponder the meaning of what God said. It's just the way I am. Blessings to you and yours.


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