Monday, October 27, 2014

My Hope in You

“But now, LORD, what do I look for? My hope is in you.” Psalm 39:7

               When we find ourselves at a fork in the road, we can either veer to the left or to the right. If we look down the left pathway, we see fun things or the things we wanted when we were young. If we choose to follow to the right, we may see things that take a lot of energy and hard work. There may be a few disappointments along that way. We don’t know which path to take. Sometimes we take the easy way. When we do, we might find out we have made a wrong choice.
               God’s Word tells us to seek His guidance. (James 1:5) Our focus scripture gives us a very powerful reason to seek God in all things we face. He is our hope.

               When my hope is in God, I feel neither anxiety when answers seem delayed nor hardness of heart when those answers turn out to be other than what I desire. I have gained understanding when those things happen.

               This total trust of God in this way is something I recently learned. Dr. Charles Stanley calls it ‘being neutral.’ At present, I have at least three or four large personal requests I have turned over to God, through the Holy Spirit.

               I have to remember that God is good all the time; all the time God is good. When I keep this in mind, I find I can accept the things that God shows me that are contrary to what I want.


  1. Wise words, as usual. I am facing about three of these kinds of issues myself, Cecelia. I need to become neutral as I seek God's will.

    1. Jeanette: As I said in the blog post, I had to learn this way of looking at issues in my life.

  2. This is a difficult lesson for us to learn. By nature we want to have our own way, and in our own time frame. When we learn to lean on the Lord and trust Him in all our ways, we can find peace in the journey. We may not always like the answers, but we can trust God to carry us safely through to the other side. Thank you for these reminders today. Very timely.

    1. Pam: I have found that we only learn this lesson as we mature in Christ. When we don't like the answers, we have Jesus to help us through.Blessings to you and yours.

  3. I agree with Jen, these are wise words. I am a work in progress in Him each and every day. Have a blessed week!

    1. Karen: I have learned that we all are a work in progress. I also believe that progress is never completed until we go to meet Jesus. I have a busy week. I trust you and yours will have a very blessed week.


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