Monday, November 3, 2014

Eucharisteo: Jesus Saved Me

(Eucharisteo comes from the Greek. It means "He gives praise.") 
As we enter the season of Thanksgiving, we spend time reflecting on what God has done in our lives, what he has given us, and we express our gratitude. Where would I be if Jesus hadn’t saved me? All I know is I would not be where I am nor who I am today.

Jesus spoke to an insecure teenager and said, “I can take care of those worries and fears you have.” But she really didn’t understand.

The LORD spoke to a young newly-wed wife and said, “Come back and learn of me.” She followed His leading. He spoke to a new mother and said, “Give your child to me. I will help you two take care of him.”

He spoke to a tired, depressed, and confused thirty-something woman and said, “You need to come away from there and get your life and your family in order.” Christ spoke to a worn-out, still depressed wife and mother and said, through His Word, “Choose life; let me handle that circumstance with him.” She learned that there was a side of life that wasn’t so dark. She still had worries but they became different.

The Lord spoke to a fifty-something woman. “This is how I want you to serve me.” He reminds her of this when He needs to.
God told a frustrated mother, “I am your God. I will take care of you.” She had to hear this one several times, as her family went through several difficult times.

Along the way this woman developed compassion for others, re-learned how to laugh, how to be a friend to those around her. Jesus has also taught her that, while she may experience ‘bumps in the road,’ He would always be with her.

I am that woman whom the Lord has spoken to and guided all these years. This is my testimony of His faithfulness. While I didn’t always hear Him audibly make these statements to me, He led me to see what I needed to do and where I needed to go in my life.

Dear Lord Jesus: I know You did this out of your grace for me. All I can say is “thank you” for all you have done for me. I praise Your name. Amen 


  1. I too, don't know where I 'd be without Jesus!

    So great to see you last weekend and pray with you.

    Much love,

    1. Thank you, Jeanette, It was nice seeing you, again. I enjoyed praying with you.

  2. He is indeed faithful. So thankful for that!

    1. Karen, thank you. I dearly love the fact that He is faithful, even when we aren't.

  3. What a great testimony! I love this.

    1. Rhonda; I just realized I had a testimony as I thought about this post and how He has been there for me throughout my life. Thank you for reading.

  4. Replies
    1. Ariella: Thank you for stopping in. Feel free to come by anytime; I ususally post on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.


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