Monday, December 22, 2014

Christ the King

               Lately, I have been ‘heart singing’* the carol, “What Child Is This?” Yesterday, I awoke with the words and tune playing in my mind.

               I especially like the response to the title question. The writer sums up in a few words that the child is Christ the Lord.  He continues on to tell his listeners that the child is so special the angels sing of Him. The author then tells those who listen to bring Him praise.

               One of the special videos of this season shows a shopping mall filled with people who break out singing Christmas carols. The vast array of people sings three carols, ending with “O, Holy Night” while Mary and Joseph with the Christ child enter into the midst of the throng. As the people come to the end of the carol, they kneel down before the babe in worship.

               At church yesterday, one of the Christmas carols we sang was-that’s right- “What Child is This?” I believe God has a message for me in this turn of events.

               God’s plan for His children is for us to assist in building His kingdom by living the faith He gave us and to tell others of His marvelous love for all His children.

               I know I plan to hear this special carol one more time before Christmas Day. I will also have the refrain playing in my heart and mind for some time to come.

               Do you have a Christmas carol that has special meaning for you this Advent season? How do you give praise to the Lord Jesus?


*Heart-singing is a word I made up. One heart-sings when a hymn plays continuously in our minds and hearts throughout each day God has given.

What Child is This?

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