Monday, December 15, 2014

Everlasting Father

“For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders
and he will be called. . .  Everlasting Father. . . .”
 Isaiah 9:6 (NIV)

               Isaiah calls the babe to come Everlasting Father. Do we really understand what this means? We struggle with the idea that when God created us He saw us as we were being formed. (Psalm 139) Might we also strain with the concept of God being with us after we depart this earth? (Revelation 21:3)
               As I sit here doing what I believe God has chosen for me to do, the act of spreading His love through the written word, I am caught up with compassion for a friend who recently began to live with Jesus in her new home in heaven.
               We all want to go to heaven but we don’t want to go through the entry process in order to get there. That process of experiencing illness and the next step is basic to get us there. As a special friend to me, it’s a part of our journey.
               Yet, God is there as we go through times of hardship. He cradles each of us, His children, as we face personal or family crises, be it medical, financial, interpersonal, and even loss.
               When we get to see Him face to face, He will allow us to crawl up on his lap and snuggle up against Him. He will pull us closer to Him and whisper words of comfort into our ears. He will brush away each tear from our face and allows us to see inside His heart.

               God does this for us time after time. He does this because of His ever-presence with us. He truly shows us what a Father’s love should be. 


  1. I look forward to crawling "up on His lap and snuggling up against Him." "Abba, Father". He already does this for me...maybe not in the physical sense that I can see, but my spirit can feel His warm embrace and His whispers of comfort. Yes, I've been there...and I run back to His lap as often as I can. It's a wonderful place to spend my life, both in the here, and the hereafter. Thank you for these descriptive thought pictures today. Very comforting.

    1. Pam: Thank you for your warm comment. I am thankful that He accepts me when I approach Him in that way. Blessings to you and yours.


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