Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Book Review: The Skeletons in God’s Closet

The Skeletons in God's Closet
By Joshua Ryan Butler

               Joshua Butler has written a book dealing with people’s fearful perceptions, “those deep dark doctrines we’d rather avoid” about God and His kingdom, those being hell, judgment and holy war.

               Mr. Butler gives his readers new understanding of hell, the role of judgment, and the idea of holy war. His book is divided into three parts: The Mercy of Hell, The Surprise of Judgment, The Hope of Holy War. Mr. Butler admits to turning these concepts upside down from what people normally think on these subjects.

               The Skeletons in God’s Closet, is a well-researched book. Included throughout the work are interludes giving extra information on the issues dealt with in the surrounding chapters. I found the conclusion very interesting, entitled; These Bones Can Live examines the passage from Ezekiel 37:1-14, giving hope for Israel. However, I must caution those reading this; this is not a book that one quickly reads.

               I would recommend this book to lay people who are studious and concerned about their faith and the faith of those who are around them—their natural families and their church families. I would also recommend it to clergy persons whose desire is to better explain what the scriptures say.

               I received a copy of this book free from Thomas Nelson Inc., through its BookLook Blogger program. All they asked of me was I give an unbiased review.


  1. Hi Cecelia! I have to admit that the title "The Mercy of Hell" is pretty interesting. And I'd agree that these topics do give rise to nerves. Who wants to think about going to hell? But of course, it's good information, and something we all should be aware of. I don't think I'd want to read these book though. Maybe I'm too uncomfortable with the topic too.

  2. Ceil: Thank you for your thoughts about this review. This author challenged me to think more critically about the issues the book encompassed. I gave it to my Sunday school teacher for his birthday. He is a deep-thinking Christian man.


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

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