Monday, April 27, 2015

Make Your Calling Sure

“But if anyone does not have them, he is near-sighted and blind,
 and has forgotten he has been cleansed from past sins.
 Therefore, my brothers, be all the more eager to make your calling and election sure.
 For if you do these things, you will never fail.”
Peter 1:9-10 (NIV)

               Peter has been speaking of the method of building ourselves up as we prepare to stand against false teachers and against persecution. All the qualities he spoke of keep us close to God. When we do not have them our vision gets distorted. Little things trip us up. We gradually become less like Jesus and more like the world. We need to strive to possess and exercise those qualities He gives to verify that we are called by, live for and work for God.
               We went down to spend some time with our son the other weekend. I took my laptop because when we were down there the time before that I watched our son get onto the motel’s free Wi-Fi. I thought I’d try it. I didn’t have any trouble. I had a nice time doing it. The day after we returned home, I got online and kept hearing a chirping. I noticed I couldn’t move my cursor. I looked at my mouse; the light was not on. I realized my mouse had died. My thoughts were not very encouraging—the cost of a new mouse; finding the time to go across town; at a time when I needed to watch my money.
               The second day we were home Hubby asked me to check my email to see if we had anything from Son. I had to confess that I thought my mouse had died. I didn’t get upset or angry about it. It really didn’t stew about it. My thoughts were the type of silent prayer thoughts.
               The next morning I went to a prayer group and didn’t feel led to ask for guidance from God. I headed out to the other end of town, combining this errand with a trip to get new glasses. I found a great display of electronic mice (?). They ranged in price from the very affordable to right at $100.

               My new mouse is wireless. I had the choice of colors. I found one in TEAL. I am a happy girl. But I wonder what I would have found if I had gotten all upset and angry. I told a friend the day before that the old mouse had to be about eight years old. I shouldn’t complain.


  1. I honestly have no clue if it's mice or mouse... but I've never needed two at once, so I'm sticking with "mouse!"

    Thanks for this positive post, Cecelia... I needed a cheer-me-up post today.

    I'm not sure if you accept prayer requests, but if you do, and are in a prayer chain, could you please lift up some dear friends who are hurting. The wife, Lori, has battled cancer for several years, but may now have to go into Hospice.

    Her husband, Sean, is a pastor and they are such a wonderful Christian family - who are keeping the faith and trusting in the Lord.

    Thanks in advance.

    1. Mark: I bought one mouse from a display of several. I don't know the correct grammar for this either. Yes, I do accept prayer requests. I will all Lori and Sean to my prayer list and share it in the prayer group I attend on Tuesday. I will add their names to our church prayer list as well, if you don't mind.

    2. That would be wonderful. Thank you. They are such a wonderful couple and I don't understand why it has to happen to Lori, but we have to trust in the will of God.

  2. Good for you for not getting upset! Eight years is a good long time for a mouse.

    1. I am learning a few things in my 'mature' years.


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