Friday, May 1, 2015

RJD: May 2015- Consider Jesus’ Prayer

Blog Entry: 4/30/2004 John 17
This is one of Jesus’ prayers that we hear a lot about.( I intended to read through the New Testament that year. I progressed through the Gospels and into the book of Acts.) Life got in the way. I went back to work and had to shorten my devotional time. These are my thoughts on John 17.

Jesus prays for Himself:
            Jesus tells the Father to restore His glory to Himself. He reminds the Father He was granted authority over all so they may come to know God, the One True God and Jesus Christ whom God had sent. The Son tells the Father He has brought glory on earth by doing the work God gave. Jesus asked to be returned to His original glory in heaven.

Jesus Prays for His Disciples
            Jesus revealed God to those given to Him from the world. These disciples have obeyed the Father’s word. Jesus tells the Father the disciples now know everything God gave Jesus comes from the heavenly Father. The followers accepted the words given to them. They believed Jesus came from God. He prays for the ones God gave Him out of the world. Also, He asks the Father to protect these twelve men. They are all saved except the one doomed to destruction, so the scriptures would be fulfilled. He again asks God to protect them from the evil one, and to set them apart by the truth.

Jesus Prays for All Believers
            Jesus prays for unity among those who come to know Him, that He and the Father are one. He pleads they come into complete unity in order for the world to know God sent them and has loved them as the Father loved the Son.
            Jesus expresses the desire for believers to be with Him and to see His glory, the glory from before the creation of the world. He commits to making God known to believers.
This is an earlier journal entry. I felt the need to edit and change a few things. I know; I cheated. Please forgive me. 



  1. You're so amazingly faithful in your journals, writing out what He speaks to you. I especially love this offering, all about Who He is. And...I don't know what you edited but it's definitely powerful now. I love John 17, move that 2000 years later We find ourselves on the lips of Jesus: "that they might be one."

    1. Carolyn : Thank you for stopping by. My editing was to correct some write 'issues' I had done in it.

    2. Once again, an excellent post.

  2. So thankful for this passage in John's gospel. It is wonderful to know that Jesus was praying for you and me even when he was getting ready to die on the cross. We are counted in those believers even though we weren't even born yet. So wonderful to know this. Thank you for reminding us today. Blessings to you my friend.

    1. Thank you for stopping by. It's a busy weekend for me and a lot of my friends. So glad to hear that you love this scripture, also. Blessings to you and yours.

  3. Hi Cecelia! I think sharing journals is so brave. I don't think I could do it! Edit away, I say. Sometimes what I write is WAY too personal to share.
    You are back to work? Are you enjoying it? I know that Jesus is happy for any time you give him, he knows your faithful heart. Your faithfulness goes back a long way!

    1. Ceil: Thank you for your thoughts. When my last job ended in 2008, I officially retired. I enjoy being able to do a few things with Hubby. I participate in a payer ministry. We will be seeing more of our son, since he is geographically a lot closer to us.

  4. Cecelia- You are going to believe this...God led me to John 17 today while journaling at church...I love your succinct categories of the types/kinds of prayer in this passage. I love this prayer and how we can see it being answered even in our lives today...our gathering to journal showed us that some of us were being discouraged from praying because the enemy was attacking us...Jesus prayed that we would be protected from the evil one and I sensed that was exactly what Jesus was doing while we shared our struggles in person and in our journals. God is awesome! And is developing unity in his church far and near!

    1. Kel: Thank you for your lovely thoughts. Yes, Jesus' prayer covers us as we live in this fallen world. I have to remember what my Sunday school teacher has said many times. "Without the grace and mercy of God, we would get what we deserve. We deserve the firey pit of the enemy. ( I edited this from his words.)


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