Friday, June 5, 2015

RJD June, 2015 God's Grace

RJD June 2015 God’s Grace

In looking through an old journal, I ran across these thoughts on God’s grace and His blessings. God has been good to my family and my friends I rejoice in all He does for His children.

“From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another.” John 1:16

3/4/2010  What We Receive From God
From God’s great love we receive:

1. Salvation            2. Eternal Life
                   3. Fellowship with Jesus 4. Skills and Talents
  5. Our Families        6. Our Friends
       7. Our Homes           8. Our Health
     9. Our Leisure         10. Our creativity

We receive these blessings but we also receive innumerable more.

3/18/2010  All His Children Receive His Blessings

               God is not stingy with His blessings. He doesn’t sit in heaven and say, “One to a customer.” Neither does he stand at the gate and say,” You received a blessing yesterday; you can’t have another until tomorrow.”

               God gives blessings out of His great unmerited love for His children. We cannot imagine how much grace God possesses.

               The hymn, “Count Your Blessing” tells us to count each one and to name them. We might even want to study them individually. As we look at each blessing we might become more appreciative of what God has done for us.

               God blesses each of us every day.

4/28/2010 How big is God’s Grace?

His grace reaches all God’s creation. We see grace in nature—the sun, the moon and stars, the rain, and, yes, the snow. When we watch the fireflies light up the summer evenings and hear the sounds of August nights, our hearts witness His grace and blessings.

               When we hear of a baby’s birth, we silently give thanks for the new life. As the child grows and matures, we pray for his or her safety.

               As we interact with one another we show God’s grace by giving words of encouragement, by keeping confidences, by praying for each other. Daily, we receive the Father’s grace. We don’t always recognize it. At first, but it flows from God to each of us.

               God’s grace covers us from conception to our time we will spend with Him in heaven. It is as big as His kingdom and, yet, he extends that love to those searching for the unconditional love found with Him.

7/17/2010 From His Grace

               God’s love for us comes from His vast store of grace. He uses this grace as the basis for all His deeds.

               He answers prayer out of His great love for us—the love we don’t deserve. He doesn’t evaluate a person’s request and respond to those that rank in the upper percentile of requests.

               Even though we don’t receive the answer we expect when we want it, He holds that request until He sees fit to answer as He sees fit.

               Hymns speak of His grace being wonderful, matchless, amazing, and marvelous, redeeming. It is limitless, deeper than the seas, higher than a mountain and all-sufficient, broader of the scope and greater than our sin.

               His grace is awesome; I am humbled each time I realize I have received it.

Update: A friend recently sent me a note. In that note, she reminded me of how God works through our mishaps to speak to us. She had told me this in a phone call and I responded that He already had told me things I would have not paid close attention to if I hadn't fallen and broken a rib. He uses our down time to get us to concentrate on what He has for us.

Linking to enthusiasticallydawn./2015/06/05/random-journal-day-51


  1. "Grace, grace, God's grace, Grace that will pardon and cleanse within; Grace, Grace, God's grace, Grace that is greater than all our sin." (from the hymn "Grace Greater Than Our Sin" by Julia H. Johnston. Thank you for this beautiful reminder of God's matchless grace today. We sometimes forget just how wonderful and marvelous His great grace is. Thank you.

    1. Pam: Thank you for stopping by. I love the songs about God's grace. When I am depressed, I try to think about His grace to me.Blessings to you and yours.

  2. I love the song, Count Your them one by one. Your quiet spirit, faithful and focused posts always bless me, Cecelia! Indeed we need to study Him...His faithfulness, beauty and graciousness daily. Amen.

    1. Dawn: Thank you for your kind comments. God is so good to us, His children, the only thing we can do is give Him all the praise He deserves.

  3. It's wonderf to see how God was speaking to you continually about His grace over that season 5 years ago. It's not something we think about in the moment but looking back you can see the "ongoing-ness" of His word. So sorry about your ribs, though. Very painful, I remember (broke 3ribs in college). May he meet you.

    1. Thank you, Carolyn. My friend was right, He still speaks to me even now.

  4. So beautiful! Just when we think we have the goodness of God figured out, He ups and surprises us with new lessons and new depths!

    1. Thank you. Susie. I believe that when we come to a certain level of knowing Him, God reveals something deeper and greater to us.

  5. I love that He is never stingy with His blessings and that He is always faithful!

  6. Hi Cecelia! What wonderful reflections on God's grace, and at so many times in your journal too. Grace is truly a subject that you can never study enough.

    I bet you feel that you are being showered with grace, even at the time of suffering your broken rib. God does use everything! I think God really gifted me while I was recovering from my fall too. How great He loving!


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