Saturday, July 18, 2015

God, Please Lead and Guide Me

“Since you are my rock and my fortress,
for the sake of your name lead and guide me.”
Psalm 31:3 (NIV)

               Just prior to this verse David has established that God is his rock and his fortress-a center of military strength (Psalm 31:2)

               In this verse, David begs God to go before him as he goes through life. The shepherd king realizes God is THE One that can do this.

               In our 21st Century world, people sense the need for guidance in order to get through certain issues that vex us. We who believe in Jesus Christ know He is the ONLY one who can lead us and allow us to rise above and conquer the difficult times and circumstances that come our way. (Romans 8:37)
               In all our planning, we should ask God to go before us and lead us through the times of hard work and the distasteful happenings that life subjects us to.
               When we pray sometimes we pray for God to go before, travel with, or, stand with a person we pray for.

Dear Father God:

          Thank you for Who You Are. Thank you for Your guidance and Your leading through the hard times of our lives. Forgive us when we choose to step out and do things our way. When realize we have done things that are not in Your plan for our lives, let us repent. In the Name of Jesus, I pray.


  1. Cecelia, thank you for reminding us that we should look to God to guide us and not trust on our own strength. As I grow older I find myself leaning on Him more and more as I realize that I cannot go through this journey on my own.

    1. Angela: You are welcome. When I do things in my strength, I mess those things up, big time.God is the one who can lead us through any difficult time.


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