Friday, July 10, 2015

God Protects His Children

“God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble.
 So we will not fear when earthquakes come and mountains tumble into the sea.
 Let the oceans roar and foam. Let the mountains tremble as the waters surge!”
(NLT) Psalm 46:1-3

               Have you ever felt God’s protection as you worked through a difficult circumstance? I’m sure you have. Have you prayed for God’s protection over a friend or family member? We have done it when we ask His presence with another person as we intercede for him or her.

               God’s presence comforts us. When I awaken most mornings, I hear birdsong fill the air. It brings me assurance that our weather will be nice—not necessarily sunny. It also tells me that I am able to still hear them. 

               God’s presence protects us. We have times when circumstances abound that could create extreme hardships on us but He steps in and contains the elements and we can return to a semblance of ‘normalcy’. When we have these circumstances in our lives, we can seek shelter and refuge in our God.

God’s protection strengthens us. Because He is near to us, we receive strength. We can stand firm against the onslaught of this fallen world and all the hardships it tries to cause.

               God’s protection reminds us of His love. When we feel Him near us, it’s like He gives us a hug by wrapping His arms around us and holding us close to Him. When I pray for a person with a great need, I ask God to wrap His arms of love around him or her and draw that individual close to Him.

Dear Father God: I thank you for the protection You have given me, Your child. I ask that protection for my friends and my family members as they go through their days. Please guide us as we walk through this world as we face the trials and tribulations that come across our path. AMEN


  1. Hi Cecelia! I love that thought that hearing the birdsong reminds you that you can hear. I wrote something recently about waking up in the morning. Is it a joyful or hard experience? Your words here remind me of how joyful coming to the new day is supposed to be.
    Yes, God is with us...especially in His creations :)

    1. Ceil: Thank you for stopping by. Each morning that I see the sun shining through the window and reflection on the opposite wall, I know that it will be a good-weather day.

  2. I love that you pray for God to wrap His arms of love around us when we need it. I return that blessing to you as well, my friend. It is wonderful to be reminded of God's love, protection, strength, and comfort. Even on good days...we need to remember He is always with us...and store up that knowledge for the not so good days. Thank you for this reminder today.

  3. Thank you for this great encouragement, Cecelia. I have benefitted from your prayers many times! And I love the imagery of Jesus wrapping his arms around us and our family members who are in deep waters now.

    Bless you,

    1. Jeanette: It is a privilege to pray for my friends. God's arms of love can be felt by those who pray as well as those they pray for. Blessings on you and yours.

  4. Thank you for your words this morning as I prepare for my day and the upcoming week. You have encouraged me greatly!

    1. You are welcome. I pray you will stay encouraged this week.


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