Wednesday, July 29, 2015

“My Spirit Seeks”

“At night my soul longs for You, indeed,
my spirit within me seeks You diligently;
for when the earth experiences Your judgments
 the inhabitants of the world learn righteousness.
Isaiah 26:9 (NASB)

               At night, when I can’t sleep, I find myself praying. Sleep eventually comes. I have learned that God wants me to do this. A friend might be in need of prayer. A circumstance in our nation or even our world may merit special attention from God.

               God sometimes has to withhold His blessing from me. When He does this, He teaches me a lesson that I need. During this season of Lent, I chose to go a different way in relinquishing something I like in order to learn more of Him. After Lenten time, I intended to  share what I let go of and what I learned from this experience.

               My summer has been interesting but quiet. I broke a rib due to a fall in our basement. Hubby strained his side as he attempted to remove sand bags (70lbs. each) from the trunk of our car. It has taken him a good three weeks to get to the place of relative comfort.

               I worked the registration table for Vacation Bible School. A friend and I sat at a pre-registration table earlier in the summer. Several of us are making plans for next summer’s VBS.

               We recently went down to see our son. He worked until evening and then met Hubby at our friend’s pond to fish. They came back to where I was going on 10.00o’clock. The next day, the three of us went on a drive across that county. We stopped at a fruit market where our son bought a watermelon. We stopped in at our friend’s mom’s house and visited with her.

               Just before we went away, I ran across a series of scriptures that I spent time thinking on and then writing about. I believe I have had a case of writer’s block.
               I have been able to keep up with my devotional reading and my journaling. So, all is not lost. I’m not complaining but just wanting to fill you in as to why I have been so spasmodic with my posts. I believe I owe you all that.


  1. Your summer sounds pretty good except for that broken rib! Ouch! I'm sorry that happened but glad it wasn't worse. I too find myself praying at night when I can't sleep.It is the best use of my time.

    1. Terri; Thank you for stopping in.I love your thought, " I too find myself praying at night when I can't sleep.It is the best use of my time." Blessings to you and to yours.


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