Monday, August 17, 2015

Judgement and Discipline

 “But if we judged ourselves, we would not come under judgement. When we are judged by the LORD, we are being disciplined so that we will not be condemned with the world.” 1 Corinthians 11:31-32 (NIV)

               Have you ever evaluated your actions or your attitude toward another person? Were your thoughts realistic? Or were they what you wanted them to be? Did you rationalize your stance, finding someone who had done worse deeds than you on which to pick?

               I once knew a young woman who thought of herself with an inflated mindset. It was not always in her best interests when she did this.  As I saw her do and say certain things, I wondered how she could mature if she kept this way of thinking.

               When God chastises us, it is definitely for our own good. We learn what He expects from us and what we are to do as we live for Him.

               God sets a standard for us. We cannot meet that norm by ourselves. He gave us Jesus so that we could become acceptable to Him.

               When God returns to judge the world for its sin, He will separate those who belong to Him from those who have rejected Him. Those He will reject will be dealt with on His terms, not theirs.


  1. I try to keep myself in check in this respect, and often pray for wisdom and insight to stay on track.

    1. Karen: We all should strive to keep in check. Wisdom comes from God. He gives us the insight when we ask Him for His wisdom.

  2. I once heard someone say we should never compare ourselves to anyone, as it either leads to pride or condemnation. We look to Jesus and stay out of trouble.

    1. Jeanette; You are right. We cannot compare ourselves to others, Because when we do we probably choose someone who's life makes us look better than we are. Blessings on you and yours.

  3. I am so thankful that I know this loving, STRONG Savior, Who will always judge us righteously. Thank the Lord He knows our frame, and He understands our weaknesses, but that doesn't mean that He won't deal with us when we need discipline. I am thankful that He does discipline us with love and mercy, but always on HIS terms and not ours! It is something to remember. People who think they will be able to 'change God's mind' about what is right and wrong will be sadly disappointed. I hope they realize that before it is too late. But again, I must remember to leave that in God's hands also. He is the only true judge, and I know He will do right. I also need to keep myself in check and not assume that I'm "okay". Thank you for this reminder.

    1. Pam: Thank you for your wonderful thoughts. Blessings to you and yours.


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