Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Book Review: 40 Days of Decrease

Author: Alicia Britt Chole

               Mrs. Chole investigates the season of Lent in a very well researched book. She takes the 40 days of Lent and explores various aspects of the season.

               In each days reading, she has a section relating to Jesus’ actions during His last week on earth. She continues with a reflection of what we have read. Next, she tells us what we need to fast (give up) for that day. Mrs. Chole then gives us information about Lent and its history. She ends each daily section with our reading the book of John, chapters 12 through 21,          one section at a time, she has also included a place for us to journal our thoughts about each day’s passage. Those who faithfully read and journal about the book of John will gain intimate knowledge about the last week of Christ’s life.
               I would recommend this book for any individual or group who wants to learn more about Lent, the process of fasting, and the ways of Christ in the face of His path to Golgotha. I would also recommend this book to anyone who feels the need to grow in the Lord. I intend to use this study as my Lenten devotional.

               I received this book from Thomas Nelson free of charge. All they asked of me was that I read it and give an impartial review.

I am posting this on Ash Wednesday as a way to be true to my intention about letting others know about this marvelous book. 


  1. Hi Cecelia! This looks like a great book. I like the idea of short fasting periods, and changing up the focus. It would make me more intentional, following each day with a new promise.
    Do you enjoy being a book reviewer? Was it hard to get connected to being one? Your books here always look so good.
    Blessings on this Ash Wednesday,

    1. Ceil: Thank you for your warm comment. The first time I applied to this publisher, I was not accepted. I didn't have the required number of followers. I found another website that worked with published writers and readers. I will email you the information. I GOT TO GO TO CHURCH LAST NIGHT FOR ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE.


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

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