Friday, March 4, 2016

In The Upper Room

Scripture: John 13:18-30

Focus Scripture: “I am not referring to all of you; I know those I have chosen. But this is to fulfill the scripture: ‘He who shares my bread has lifted up his heel against me.’” John 13:18 (NIV)

      The Scene is the upper room. The time is Passover. The activity is the Passover meal. Those assembled are the Master and his 12 disciples.

      In this lengthy passage, Jesus tells of his soon-coming betrayal. Peter gets John’s attention and asks him to ask Jesus to tell who the betrayer is. Jesus gives a clue to the disciples as to which of them plans treachery. He, then, excuses Judas Iscariot to do what Judas has to do.

     This action shows me Jesus gave permission to complete the plot that the leaders had planned. In addition, this passage tells me the enemy was present. (Verse 27)

     Were the any of the disciples listening? Simon Peter seems curious but chooses to ask John to inquire as to what it means. The eleven others did not realize what the Master said to His betrayer.

      Had they realized what was unfolding, could they have stopped Judas Iscariot from what he had to do? I think not, God was in control and this happening was part of His plan.  

      In our 21st Century world, we have many heart-breaking events in the news begging for our attention. I recently read that these harsh events come to us in order for us to pray for those involved.

Early in my Christian walk, I received instruction to pray for people on all sides of a circumstance. Later, I heard we needed to pray for the caregivers as well as those who are ill. We should pray for all those involved in troublesome events, especially when we do not understand them or their actions. 


  1. Wise words, quietspirit. So much need for prayer.

  2. Hi Cecelia! What an interesting question. Would the disciples have stopped Judas? And how interesting that two of them knew what was going to happen, and didn't say anything. These are some really great things to meditate on. Thank you!
    I agree that there are many sides to illness, and to issues. All of it needs prayer, needs God, right?
    Very thought provoking post!

    1. Ceil: Thank you for your warm thoughtful comments. I have learned lots of things during this time of Lent.God has been working on me.


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