Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The Counselor Will Come

Scripture: John 16:5-17

Focus Verse: “But I tell you the truth: it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. John 16:7 (NIV)

               Jesus’ message brings more confusion to the disciples. Their thoughts could have been like the following:

               “What is Jesus saying?”
               “He keeps telling us he is going away. Now, he tells us he will send someone else in his stead?”
               “Do we need someone else, why can’t he stay here?
               “”This new person will guide us?”
               “He will convict the world?”
               “Why does what he says not make sense to us?

               Could the disciples be like many 21st Century people? Did they think their group would be together forever?

               Several years ago, we had a situation in our family. A young man died from a terrible disease. Most of us knew his outcome would not be what we wanted. His sister drew into herself. I found myself asking her why she seemed so saddened. Her answer—“I just knew the doctors would find a cure for his illness.”         This sister was not a believer; therefore, I chose not to tell her that maybe God did heal her brother by taking him home to heaven. Today, I believe she did not realize that we only have a certain God-set time on this earth.

               The disciples began grieving as they heard these words from Jesus. They probably could not focus on the words spoken about the Father, “he will never leave you or forsake you.” Deut. 31:6 (NIV)

               Another relative grieved prematurely when her older sister was in the hospital. That sister had undergone two Cancer surgeries in less than 10 days. The patient was not rallying. The doctors said she was doing well, in spite of what we saw. The older sister lived nine more years.

               The disciples received something we do not always receive about the end of someone’s life. Jesus tried to prepare them for his departure. We don’t always get to prepare ourselves when a loved one passes on to heaven The part we initially find strange is they could not grasp what He was telling them.


  1. I am amazed how confused the disciples were at times. I wonder why? It is encouraging to me, though, because sometimes I don't quite get it either. I think the answer is always so simple, but often I complicate it. Maybe that's what they were doing too.

    A thought-provoking post, quietspirit. Thank you for sharing it!

    1. We don't realize the disciple's confusion unless we study-at length- the scriptural accounts of Jesus' final week on this earth. I am sure I will learn more or even relearn about this issue when I study it in the future. Blessings to you and yours.

  2. I know that in the case of my son who had cancer, as difficult as it was, we were so thankful that we had 4 years to prepare for his eventual death. I am always thankful to God that He did not take him unexpectedly. We know that we have heaven to look forward to and that comforts our hearts every day. Jesus sent His helper, the Holy Spirit/Comforter to help us get through these times of grief. So thankful for our Lord's compassion on our frail hearts.

    1. Pam: I thank God that we have a Savior who does prepare us for the loss of loved ones, especially those who are young or reasonably young.I once told a man who worked with me that one of his family members might die from an illness, he actually said, "No!" Faith can help us through the time of illness but it can also help us through the aftermath when we lose someone close.

  3. Hi Pam! It is something to think about...the Lord was very straight-forward in His words about being killed, having to die. And here He talks about the Spirit. Well, how would the Apostles know anything about that? I don't blame them for their questions.
    Hopefully the Lord won't blame me for my questions when my mom died. She was diagnosed with cancer, and was dead in less than two weeks. It was excruciating to see her slide so fast. I wondered why, and hoped she'd do better...but it wasn't to be. Sometimes, the Lord's will is difficult to understand and embrace, that's for sure.

    1. Ceil: We don't have the last say, God does. Sometimes his taking our loved ones is an act of mercy. A friend of ours, someone we met at our old church, also was diagnosed with Cancer and had two, not more than three weeks. She was ready to go and we know where she is. My questioning of the Lord came when my step-mother was diagnosed with a second round of breast cancer; I spent time asking the question, "Why?"


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