Saturday, May 21, 2016

Peace part 2

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your heart be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27 (NIV)

            The Bible has a lot to say about peace. But what is it? I have read that it is not the absence of trouble but the ability to keep ourselves calm in the face of troubling circumstances. My Bible dictionary says it is; “. . . in its deepest application spiritual peace through restored relations of harmony with God.”(1)
            It has been my experience that when I talk with God and turn an issue over to Him, I no longer am anxious about that circumstance in my life. God takes over and life seems easier for me. Even when others around me get themselves in turmoil, God allows me to keep my peace, most of the time.
            While I have been working on these core characteristics of a Christian, I have been doing some extra reading. During this time, I also received a book to review, Spirit of Truth by Marja Verschoor-Myers. During the past week or so, we have had to deal with the results of a medical procedure that seems to have not done as we expected. Hubby underwent this procedure after a lengthy time dealing with the circumstance. I realized that, in spite of the problem, I am at peace about this issue.

  1. The New Unger’s Bible Dictionary, Moody Press, Chicago, Revised and Updated 1988, page980-981


  1. Thank you for this, quietspirit. I went to the Kindle app and got that book, Spirit of Truth.

    Praying for you and about the test results!

    1. Sandi: Thank you for your comments. I will ingterview Marja on June 1 and review her book on June 3. Thank you,also, for your prayers.

  2. Hi Cecelia, I am sorry to hear about your husband's trouble, but at the same time glad for the peace you experience. I am looking forward to read your review :)

    1. Marja: Thank you. In my prayer group that met today, I told a friend about the book. I am going to try to circulate it to those who feel the need for truth in our society.


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