Monday, March 13, 2017

Mary’s Thoughts

Image result for Mary the Mother of Jesus

            Have you considered what Mary thought about when the angel Gabriel comes to her and told her of God’s plan? Or have you ever wondered what Mary thought about during Jesus’ life? Let’s look at each recorded scene in Mary’s life and explore the meaning of what might happen.

At the Angel’s Visit

            Mary, a young girl from a poor family, is pledged to Joseph, a local carpenter. There are three steps to marriage for Hebrew young couples. First, the parents meet and discuss the possibility of a union. Then the couple becomes “pledged”, the only way a pledging could end was through the death of one of the couple or through a divorce. The final step is the marriage ceremony.

            This message the angel brings, if Mary accepts it, will bring pain, ridicule and possible rejection by her peers, she might lose her fiancé.

            However, Mary chooses to obey God. Did you catch that? She CHOOSES to obey God.

In the Stable

            She sits quietly and listens to the shepherds jubilantly tell the story of how they heard of the birth of her son. They tell her of the angel and then the angel host and their message. These lowly workers are thrilled to know that they saw angels from God. Mary sits and listens and records their words in her heart.


            Simeon, devoted to God, is at the Temple when Joseph takes Mary and baby Jesus for the purification rite. When Simeon asks to hold the baby, he praises God. In essence, he tells God he is ready to go to heaven in peace. Simeon calls the baby Jesus God’s salvation for His people.
            As Joseph and Mary depart the Temple with Jesus, Simeon gives a blessing to them and says; “This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be s a sign that will be spoken against, so the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your own soul, too.”(Luke 2:34, NIV)

            Do you think that Mary revisited these scenes when she stood along the road and watched her son Jesus as he carried His cross to Golgotha?


  1. Oh yes, Mary had pondered these things in her heart for all Jesus' 33 years of life on earth...and now it was all beginning to make sense...painfully so. My heart breaks and aches for Mary...she had such a heavy burden to bear in her heart...and yet, we know the Lord comforted her...even made sure someone (John) would be there to care for her when He was gone. I have felt Mary's pain in a real way in my life...maybe not to the extreme of what she endured in watching her Son being tortured and killed on a cross...but in watching my son die from cancer...and yet, the Lord was there to comfort me as well. Mary's SON comforted me!! Wow!!!Isn't that marvelous???

    1. Yes, I'm certain Mary reflected on these messages in her heart. As mothers, we all have special memories that we 'pull up' when we are down or even when we are happy about an event that involves our children. Recently, I have returned some photos of a friend's grandchildren to their mother. She enjoyed having them. Yesterday, I returned a photo/Christmas card to another friend. That card was printed in 2005. Her youngest is a senior in high school. In the photo, she is about five years old. Each of the three children wrote their name on the side of the card. I did this as a part of my de-cluttering of my house--one of my decisions for Lent.

  2. I have wondered this off and on over the years. I just can't imagine what a shock this was. She'd probably have some interesting stories to share, wouldn't she? Have a good week!

    1. Karen: I just found that I hadn't responded to your thought. Please forgive me. Yes, she would have some unusual stories to tell.


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

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