Sunday, July 23, 2017

It Is True, I Am A Published Author


 I just checked Amazon. My book "Times of Trouble Bring Rays of Joy" is listed as being available. 

   I am excited. I have had my anxious moments and times of being downright scared. 

  I ask you all to rejoice with me. As a dear local friend told me, "This is a dream come true."


  1. Well! Cecelia, I rejoice with you today as well!!! "Rejoice with those who rejoice!" So very happy for you...and I will go check out Amazon today and see about ordering your very first book! I am SO proud of you, and so happy that God has blessed this endeavor. I know your book WILL be a blessing to many people over the years! Praise God for His kindness and His smiles upon you today!!!

    1. Pam: Thank you for your kind words and your support. The kind of support I have received from my friends and those who helped me get this together has overwhelmed me.

  2. Okay...I just ordered it! I am so excited for you!!


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

November Reflections

  A Busy Month November was a rather busy month. Or Anniversary was in this month. We had to pay property taxes, due right afte...