Friday, August 11, 2017

Lifting God Up

“And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up. That whoever believes in him may have eternal life.” John 3:14 (ESV)

In the book of Numbers, we read of the Israelites complaining about God and how they bad-mouthed Moses. God gave them something to gripe about. (Do you remember when you were a child hearing: “If you don’t stop whining, I’ll give you something to whine about?”) The Lord sent serpents who bit the people As a result, a lot of them died.

            They approached Moses and begged him to pray to God and ask Him to take the serpents away. God chose another way to deal with the serpents and the people.God instructed Moses to make a serpent and set it on a pole. God’s reason for this was that all who were bitten by those serpents could look at the bronze serpent and live.

            John tells his readers in our focus verse to lift up Jesus just like Moses lifted up that serpent. You might ask,” How do we do this in our world today?”
            We lift up Jesus when:

                        *we attend worship services
                        *we spend time in personal prayer
                        *we study scripture personally and in a group setting
                        *we pray with a friend
                        *we tithe our income
                        *we honor God in all we do

            Let’s think of other ways we can lift up God.


  1. Every time we give Him praise we are lifting Him up! When we share testimonies of His grace and love and salvation...when we show others His amazing creation around us...these are all ways that we lift Him up and give Him glory!! He is worthy to be praised! Amen!!

    1. Pam, Thank you for your wonderful comments. We all should adopt ways to lift up Jesus at all times.


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