Friday, September 22, 2017

Our World

Image result for Jesus talking with the disciples

In this world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.
John 16:33 (ESV)

Our World As We See It

As we go through life we become more aware of trouble. It comes to the forefront of each newscast and article in the papers. No one is exempt from hearing of riots, demonstrations, or domestic violence.

Case in point: I attend a small prayer cell on Tuesday mornings. Recently, a member told me I needed to be careful when I left my house. Her daughter heard of a stabbing taking place two blocks from my house.

Then, the television news, reported three people killed in one night. These occurred in our capital city. We read of these kinds of tragedies more frequently than before.

The incident down the street from us was a domestic violence issue. That does not diminish the problem of people mistreating others. The details in the newspaper give us light into the tragedy. There are contributing factors. The victim is in a trauma hospital, fighting for her life.

Those killings come about because of a transgression of the law. A law is overlooked and at least two people confront each other. The situation escalates and one of the principles is killed. This scenario is becoming common place in our world.

 We Need the Lord

 The LORD tells the disciples and us that we will have tribulation. He also tells us He has overcome the world. What does this phrase mean? Simply put, it means that He is always with us no matter the trial.

We need Jesus to guide and direct our every move. God has all things, our movements, behavior, words, and thoughts under His control. Even when we act contrary to God’s ways, He knows it beforehand. It is paramount that we always seek His will for our lives.
When we ask Jesus into our hearts, we give Him carte blanche. He takes us as we are and changes us to resemble Him. We must be willing to allow Christ the freedom to do this.


  1. This world is so full of sorrow and tribulation...but Jesus said that He has overcome the world! That is great news...because when we are in Christ, we are also overcomers with Him. Praying for your neighbor who has had such travail. May God bring peace and salvation to that home. Praying for all the people we know and don't know around us who may be suffering things we do not know about. May we be the Presence of Christ in our world. We may be the only Jesus others will ever see. Thank you for this today.

    1. Pam: Thank you for this thought. We all need to keep this in our hearts and our minds. We have so much to trust God for. Peace and blessings.

  2. Hi Cecelia! That photo of Jesus with his disciples is so beautiful! I can feel that firelight as he preaches. Great choice to add to your post today.
    Oh dear...what seems so foreign to me is commonplace to another's life. May God bless that person in the hospital with health and healing. And may we never forget how blessed we are to have peace in our homes and in our lives. Peace is a gift, not to be over looked.

    1. Ceil: Thank you for your warm, heartfelt thoughts. I love the thought that peace is a gift, not to be overlooked.

  3. So many lost ones out there who need Jesus - makes me just want to pray and do more as I can. Have a good week, Cecelia!

    1. KAREN: I understand. Today is Tuesday. I meet with some people at church to spend time praying for people and their needs. Peace and Blessings to you and yours.


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