Tuesday, September 19, 2017

When Jesus Speaks to Us

Image result for jesus in the upper room

If I had not come and spoken to them,
they would not have been guilty of sin
but now they have no excuse.
John 15: 22 (ESV)

Jesus speaks these words to the eleven in the upper room. He knows the time for his death is drawing near. Earlier, He said that the world will hate them because of Him. He explained that this hatred stems from the world not knowing the Father.

Then, Christ says an interesting thing; He speaks the words of our focus verse. “If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have been guilty of sin,” Our Savior states indirectly that He showed them the wrong things they were doing. Jesus then states, ”but now they have no excuse.”

If Jesus Christ could say those words then, are they still true today? If Our Savior speaks to us about our sin, are we supposed to make excuses? As I read this, I find the answer is, “No.”

As we await Jesus’ return, we have to be certain we are ready. Each of His children has to ask God to search our hearts. We have to seek His forgiveness and direction for our lives. I believe I have some issues to work on. 

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