Monday, April 9, 2018

Refreshing of Our Spirit

for they refreshed my spirit as well as yours. Give recognition to such people.1 Corinthians 16:18 (ESV)

Paul, toward the end of his first letter to the believers at Corinth, writes thanking them for sending Stephanus, Fortunatus, and Achaicus to him. He tells them that these three refreshed his spirit.

What does it mean when someone or something refreshes our spirit? Do we feel better about things? Are we able to view our surroundings with joy and gladness? Does the work go easier?

As God’s child, I sometimes get frustrated when I watch the news broadcasts. Even reading the newspaper can bring me down. However, from time to time, I hear or read something that perks me up.

At times, when I pray about a need or a circumstance that vexes me, I have to ask God to give me His eyes to view that situation.

When I pray the Lord’s Prayer, I find my spirit lifted when I focus on the words: “Give us this day our daily bread,”

We have times when God will use a friend to refresh our spirit. One of my local friends does this just by speaking. I can usually hear the joy bubbling in her voice. We have known each other long enough that I can also sense when something is bothering her.

We truly have times when God uses those down times to minister to us. He refreshes us by His very presence. Even if our circumstance seems bleak and unchanging, He is there with us and that fact refreshes our spirits in ways that nothing else will.


  1. Praise God for that refreshing Spirit of God that comes over us...just when we need it most! He works through His Word as we read it, our friends when they speak, and oftentimes nature and His creation. So thankful for the refreshing Spirit of our Lord. Always right on time, too. This was refreshing to my spirit today. Thank you.

    1. Pam; Thank you for your heartfelt thoughts. Just this morning I had my spirit refreshed as I read Proverbs 3:5-6. The thought that came to me was blessing for me and possibly a help for a friend and her son. Blessings.


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