Tuesday, April 17, 2018

The Body


If one member suffers, all suffer together, if one member is honored, all rejoice together.
1 Corinthians 12:26 (ESV)

The apostle Paul gives the Corinthian believers a picture of the church that is quite accurate. He compares the church to a body.

In his comparison, he tells us that a body has many members-a physical body has many organs that make up different systems. Likewise, a church is made up of different boards and committees, made up of individual people. The one phenomenon that can happen in the body of the church is people begin working together and friendships are formed. I say “can happen” because the Holy Spirit has to be invited into the hearts of those involved in the working of God’s houses of worship.

In a given few weeks, I personally have grieved for a family who suddenly lost their husband and father, and a second family who lost their father after a stroke and another disease. Also, I have rejoiced over the birth of our pastor’s granddaughter, two daughters and a son to people who call our church their church home.

God created the biological family and in-law families. He also created the spiritual family. We can learn from all three of these families what we need in order to live and guide us through those difficult times we will face in life sometimes just by being there with us.

Yes, I am still around. Break will have to come later. Please bear with me. The Holy Spirit is in control of my life. 


  1. So thankful for the Body of Christ...those dear people who are called by God and indwelled by His Holy Spirit...friends and family, both by blood and by THE BLOOD of Christ. When we belong to this great family, we are truly blessed. We are never alone...and we have the gifts of God's Holy Spirit to give us what we need exactly when we need it. Praying now for you to soon be on your way, in God's perfect timing. We don't always understand the delays, but we can trust God it is for a good reason.

  2. Pam: Thank you for your beautiful thoughts. All this delay could be related to my word for the year: Obedience.


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