Saturday, November 17, 2018

Bartimaeus is Thankful
We continue with our talks with Biblical people whose lives have been touched by Jesus. Bartimaeus is waiting in the wings.

Quiet Spirit: Bartimaeus, would you like to go next?

Bartimaeus: Thank you. I am glad to be here today to tell my story.
            I lived in Jericho, a short way from the Mount of Olives. I was among the poorest of the poor; my blindness reduced me to begging. Although the Law told the ‘hale and hearty’ ones to care for those of us who were impaired, it didn’t work that way.

QS: How did you encounter Jesus?

Bartimaeus: One day, I sat along the road leading out of Jericho. I heard a commotion that got louder and louder. I asked the people around me what was happening. They told me, “Jesus is passing by!”
            I had heard of this Jesus. Stories of the miracles He performed were on everyone’s lips. From the time I was a small lad, I heard of the promised Messiah. I had learned He would be a descendant of King David. That day when I was told that Jesus was going past, I believed He was the Messiah, the true Son of David.
            I felt I had to call out to Him. Those around me told me to be quiet, that he had other places to be and other people to meet. I yelled all the louder and got His attention. When He came to me, He asked me, “What do you want me to do for you?” I responded, “Rabbi, I want to see.” He told me my faith had healed me.

QS: How did the people of Jericho respond to you after your encounter with Jesus?

Bartimaeus: My friends were happy for me. Those of the privileged class mocked me. The others, mostly those who didn’t like Jesus, were cynical. They thought my eyesight would go away again. Those who mocked me and those who were cynical believed I was cursed by God for my sins.

QS: How do you feel about what Jesus did for you?

Bartimaeus: I am thankful for Jesus taking the time to come to me and for restoring my sight. Because of what He did, I am able to see the sun and the trees and the plants. I can see the smiles on children’s faces. For these small things, I am eternally thankful.

QS: We rejoice with you over these precious things you can now enjoy. Thank you for stopping by.

Give Me Jesus


  1. What a wonderful be remembered like this. Sandi is thankful. Quietspirit is thankful. See? It is majestic, greater than any royal title, to be remembered like this!

    1. Sandi: Thank you for your warm thoughts. Also, thank you for your email. You are right when you say that being thankful is greater than any royal title.

  2. Our church choir sang a song a couple of weeks ago called "Run, Bartimaeus, Run" is the link to hear it. yes, Bartimaeus was thankful. He was so happy to have his sight restored, along with having his life renewed. He followed the Lord after that and possibly led many others to the Savior. Thank you for sharing this story today.

    1. Pam: Thank you for the link. I like the song. It tells of joy. Peace and blessings


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