Friday, November 30, 2018

My November Reflections

On the first Wednesday of this month, we had our Friends Luncheon. We went to a different restaurant, one that has a party room.

This young girl was visiting her mother from out of state.
 And Mom brought her along. 

Some treasured friends, the one on the left and her late husband
 were youth directors at that former church/

 The blonde woman joined us for the first time.

These two sisters and their mother are especially dear to me.

 On November 9, we celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary. Hubby surprised me in September with a new anniversary ring.
The day before our anniversary he brought home this bouquet:
I had them for about nine days. I always try to get the most
out of flowers when I get them.

Our church has a type of ministry where people in the congregation donate some money and have fresh flowers on the altar table. Some do this in honor of a loved one. Others do it in memory of a departed loved one. This was what was on the altar table when it was our anniversary week.  


In trying to find things to share here about being thankful. I found myself with renewed energy for writing. I haven’t seemed to have much interest in it lately. The posts on Jairus, Bartimaeus, Malchus, and Martha were the result of research I did last year for a drama we did at church.

I received a newsletter from a website/writing group to which I belong. At the end of it were a picture and a blurb about a writing contest. I couldn’t get the picture out of my mind. I had to write up to 500 words about it. I came up with 427. I edited it and submitted it the next day. I am awaiting results from that group.

On Saturday before Thanksgiving, I received an email from one of my blog followers, asking my permission to link to that day’s post. She was writing one on the same person and wanted to link to mine. I felt encouraged by this email. Thank you, Sandi.

On the Tuesday of Thanksgiving week. I served food at our church’s Community Thanksgiving Dinner. I stationed myself at the end of the serving line where I gave out dinner rolls and wrapped pads of butter. With each roll I served, I told the person to be blessed. A photographer from the city newspaper. At one point, he stood nearby as he took pictures. A bit later, he approached me, told me he had taken a picture of me and asked me my name. I spelled it to my left. When he walked away, I felt bad for the other two women. I told them what I had thought. They didn’t hold it against me.

On the Saturday after Thanksgiving, our son came home for the weekend. We didn’t do anything on Saturday but eat and watch television. Sunday morning, he attended church with me. Hubby and I sent food (Left-overs) back with him. He made it safely up and back.

I have begun to do crewel embroidery as a way of relaxing when I am not writing or engrossed in a television show. It goes slowly because I started out misreading the instructions. But that will make it mine and not anyone else’s. it is a wall hanging that shows seven antique cars. I was telling a couple of women at the nursing home about it and the patient there told me to check out Wal-mart here or in the next town to see their selection.

May God give each of you peace and blessings as you prepare to celebrate His Son's birth.


  1. I enjoyed hearing about your November events. Again, Happy 50th Anniversary! That is quite an accomplishment to be proud of and thankful for. Ours will be next August! I love that you shared your time with the folks serving Thanksgiving dinner. Your blessing to the recipients was very kind and much appreciated I am sure. So neat to see that in the paper!! I understand what you mean about writing. I have ups and downs, and get tired of it, and then God spurs me back to it because there are people who need to hear about His love and forgiveness and HOPE. I may have to pull back a bit if we get a contract on our house and have to move soon...One day at a time. God is with us. Have a blessed December and preparation for Christmas...

    1. Pam: Thank you for your beautiful comments. Most days, I seem not to have much going on but when I reflect on the month I seem to have been very busy. A friend and I noticed that the first week of the month has something for us to do almost every day. December is just like that. I had to step away from a Sunday school project scheduled for tomorrow. The class sponsors a family for a charitable organization. We collect funds throughout the year for the group and then a group from the class and some family members go and wrap gifts for the families who will receive them. One year, those who participated got their picture in the paper. This year there are about 3 dozen from church who will participate. Peace and blessings.

  2. Congratulations on your 50th Anniversary!! That is so special and wonderful blessing to be thankful for. The flowers are beautiful!!
    Best wishes on your writing, I pray the Holy Spirit will bring you new anointing on your writing as you continue to bless readers with your gifts!! Blessings and a beautiful December and light filled season to you and yours!! ♡

    1. Shayndel: Thank you for your thoughts and wishes. I especially thank you for your prayers. This week is a busy one for me. Plus I have special shopping to do.


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