Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Our Sure and Steady Hope

We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters the inner place behind the curtain. Hebrews 6:19

Again, I had to consult Matthew Henry’s Commentary for guidance:

“What use the people of God should make of their hope and comfort, v. 19. We are in this world as a ship at sea, in danger of being cast away. Heaven is the harbor to which we sail. We have need of an anchor to keep us sure and steadfast. It is sure in its own nature; not a flattering hope made out of a spider’s web, but a true work of God. It is steadfast as to its object, it is an anchor that has taken a good hold. It does not seek to fasten in the sands, but enters within the veil and fixes upon Christ; he is the anchor-hold of the believer’s hope.” (1.)   

As we mature in Christ, Jesus becomes the anchor of our souls. He is stronger than any other thing we could trust. He will not let us down ever. The anchor of which I speak is steadfast through whatever comes our way. The hope we have in Christ becomes solidified with Jesus guiding us through the turmoil of everything we will face in our lives upon this earth. 


Matthew Henry’s Commentary in one volume, Zondervan Publish House (Regency)© 1961, page 1917.

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