Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Interview with Simon Peter


Quiet Spirit: Hello, today we have as a special guest Simon Peter. He has some interesting bits of information to share with us. Thank you for stopping in and visiting with us today.

Simon Peter: Thank you for inviting me to join you and your readers.

Q.S.: Peter, what can you tell us about your family and your background?

S.P.: My family came from Bethsaida. I lived in Capernaum. My father John was a fisherman. My brother Andrew and I followed our father into the fishing industry.

Q.S.: Did your meeting Jesus change you as a person? If it did could you share with us how?

S.P.: Yes, meeting Him changed who I was. Before I met Him, my life was focused on our trade. If I had a bad catch of fish, I didn’t handle it well. Because of this bad attitude, Andrew and I had rocky times. I even took out my frustrations on my wife and family. Knowing Him also changed how I looked at other people. However, I have to say, I never became ‘perfect’.

Q.S.: Why did Jesus give you a new name?

S.P.: I have often wondered about that. He must have seen something in me that I didn’t know was there. The name He gave me meant “Rock”; I was not a strong person. In fact, I could have been considered shallow and impulsive by those who knew me. I’m sorry to say that all that impulsiveness took over when Jesus was arrested and tried.

Q.S.: Are there things about yourself that you wish had been different about who you were?
S.P.: Yes, there are a few things. I wish I would not have spoken without thinking as much as I did. The Master really tried to set me straight when I almost argued with him when he told us he would be leaving us. Then, when I denied knowing Him those three times. I instantly felt regret for doing it. However, He forgave me. I can’t forget that.

Q.S.: How did you feel when Jesus forgave you?

S.P.: At first, I didn’t understand the reasoning behind his asking me the same question three times. Then I realized that he was forgiving me for each time I denied Him. Once I realized what He did, I felt very thankful for His choosing that way. Because He forgave me, I could forgive others.

Q.S.: Simon Peter, thank you for stopping in and sharing with us.

S.P.: Thank you for inviting me.


  1. Very well done Cecelia, you have a way of describing people.
    I can see a book coming out of you!

    1. Marja: Thank you for your thoughts. I have concerns about venturing into anything new at the moment. Please pray for me about any future endeavors God wants me to have. Peace and blessings.

  2. Peter is one of my favorite people...I can relate to him in many ways. So thankful for those 2nd chances that Jesus gave him and me too!! Love your interviews. Always so insightful!!

    1. Pam: I, also, think of Peter as one of my favorite people. Yes, I have sometimes been impetuous and even hot-headed. It has been a blessing to be able to learn more about him and the others who were with Jesus. Peace and blessings.

  3. Wonderful interview with Simon Peter!! I love how he shared his response to you about his name Rocky, and how he doesn't see himself like that but that Jesus must see something in him that he didn't know was there. That's awesome how Jesus must see things in all of us too that we don't know is there. Thank you for sharing and God Bless you!!

    1. Shayndel: Thank you for your kind thoughts. These responses came to me through research.


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