Friday, March 29, 2019

March Reflections


March has been a slow month for me. I have been trying to recuperate from respiratory issues. Due to complications from antibiotics, I had to start over with part of my meds. Hubby dealt with the same stuff only he had them a week before I caught them. I have been housebound this month. Going to the doctor and the pharmacy was one day’s excursions. My other day out was to go to the grocery because I had to, I was out of almost all my gluten-free supplies. I had a birthday this month and hubby and I went out to eat.

When I could, I have spent my time reading three different books, two of which I will review here on my blog. I spent a quantity of time watching the tube, not necessarily a good thing. Sometimes, I couldn’t sleep, so I watched things way up into the wee hours of the morning.  Other times, all I could do was sleep.
A year ago, Christmas, Hubby gave me a vaporizer. I have given it a workout this past month.

When our son came home to help us celebrate my birthday, on Sunday morning as I went out the door to get to his car, I noticed a penny lying in the dirt. As I reached down to get it, I noticed another coin laying near it. I picked them both up and dropped them into the pocket of my coat. After church, I noticed a dime on the floor. I picked it up as well.

At our church, we have a custom. Each Lenten season, we receive these small bags we call Lenten bags. Throughout the season, each person with a bag places coins for an offering. I decided to put that penny, that quarter, and that dime in my Lenten bag. What I didn’t realize until later was I had some dollar bills in my coat pockets. I felt I should place them in my Lenten bag along with the change I had found.

I have had a tussle with our grocery store. That store cannot carry the gluten-free crackers I have been purchasing for several years. I talked to the woman who works in the Deli, the area where we always found them. The product is no longer on their order forms.  She knows I must have gluten-free products. She told me she would check at Gordon Food Service to see if they have them. I told her I was awaiting a response to my email to the store and I would consider going higher if I had to. She is such a dear.

 My email response came. It was a bunch of business language. I have almost concluded that those crackers are a product I have to do without.

One bright spot this month was that a long-standing prayer request received God’s honor. A dear writing friend’s daughter will be moving closer to her family.  I praise the LORD for that.


  1. I am so sorry you have had such a difficult month physically. I've had one week of sinus issues, and I'm a real "baby" about it. I am truly sorry you've had it so long, and I pray it is gone now for good. I like your Lenten bad idea. That is really a wonderful way to have a special offering for Lent...and I think I may do the same thing. They don't do this at our church, but maybe we can start a new tradition. I hope you can get the special crackers you like. Praying for that to get worked out. Can you order them online yourself? Just wondering... I pray you have a blessed weekend and that spring is finally on its way to you all.

    1. Pam: Thank you for your kind thoughts. I trust your sinus issues have let up. Those Lenten bags have a ribbon drawstring as a closure. One of our Admin. Assts. makes them. They are roughly 4" wide and 5" high. I will see if I can get the crackers online. The only thing is, they might not want to sell one or two boxes at a time. I will see about this. Peace and blessings.

  2. I hope in the Lord that April will be a brighter, healthier month for you, my friend. Have you tried looking for the crackers online? I buy many of my vitamins online and it saves me money.
    Thank you for praying for me--you are part of my daughter's miracle! Much love, Jen

    1. Thank you, Jeanette, the first week of each month is usually pretty busy for me. The snow we had Saturday night was a lot more than we expected. I have looked at some sites online. I will be looking at more of them.

  3. I may be too late with my comment, but I searched Walmart site and found a lot of gluten free crackers. Sometimes if they don't have them on the shelf, you can get them by ordering online. Sometimes they ship to you and sometimes you have to pick up at the store. Often you have to order larger quantity than you want, but it might be worth it if you can't get them anywhere else.

    Also Amazon:

    1. Thank you, Emily. I will be checking some online sites this morning. Thank you for your help.


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