Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Freedom: Freedom Leads to Sanctification

                For when you were slaves to sin, you were free in regard to (from the control of) righteousness. But now, that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the fruit you get leads you to sanctification and its end eternal life.  Romans 6:20-22 (ESV)

Paul tells the believers at Rome and, by extension, us that when we have been set free from sin all we learn guides us to sanctification and eternal life. When a person is sanctified, he or she is set apart for God’s work.

We are all born with a sin nature. When we yield to that nature, we allow it to control us, we become its slave. When we receive Christ in our hearts, we allow His nature to override and destroy the sin nature in us.

When we allow God to rule our hearts and actions, we find ourselves being used of God for His purposes.

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