Friday, July 26, 2019

July Reflections

End of June: Trip to see Roger and some friends. Our friend Betty had, that day, finished 30 radiation and chemo treatments. She is scheduled for surgery on August 13th. Of the 30 days, she had one bad day. Jim (Hubby) and I went to Kentucky and saw Abraham Lincoln’s birthplace.

I attended a first birthday party for a friends’ granddaughter. That was a special time.

New Pastor
 Our new pastor and his wife arrived in mid -June. Their appointment was not official until July 1st. His first Sunday was July 7th. They sat in various worship services. I led prayer meeting on two Wednesday nights at the end of June. The second time, they came and sat in that service. 

Throughout July, Pastor Rick and Cheryl hosted small group fellowship meetings in their ‘home’. This was their way of getting to know the people of the church better. It was nice to get to find out more about some of the people with whom I worship as well as the pastor and his wife

I attended a first birthday party for a friends’ granddaughter. That was a special time. Her grandparents sit in our Sunday school class. When the little girl was dedicated, they asked members of our class to join them on the dais and stand with them for the dedication. We were honored to do so.

Class Reunion
I decided to attend my classes 55-year reunion. It took place about a quarter of a mile north of where we live. It was a very nice evening. One thing the committee did was take individual pictures as we entered. A group picture of those classmates who came. And then group pictures of us based on where we went to grade school. My grade school group had eight of us. One grade school group had twelve people.

Entry picture 
"Kids:: from my grade school.
The three women had been in Girl Scouts, back in the day.

Great Movie
I saw a movie at church this month, I Am Not Ashamed, the story of Rachel Joy Scott. She was one of the twelve students that were killed at Columbine High School.

 Special Project

A dear friend called me and asked me to work on a project for an interdenominational women’s group that she belongs to. (I just started attending this spring.) She asked me to create a bookmark for an area meeting to be held in our town. I created five samples for her to take to the president of the group so she could see what they might look like. Each sample had a picture, a topic, and five scriptures that pertained to the topic. Two of the samples had pictures I had taken.  My friend was thrilled with the samples.

  Vacation Bible School
Theme: Polar Blast: Where Jesus' Love is Cool

I oversaw pre-registration and registration.
This is the table I set up. 

On Wednesday morning before the school started four of us stayed after prayer time and painted snowflakes. Here they are used in decorations.
You have to look close to see them

                                             This is the chancel area of our sanctuary. 
The polar bear is sitting by an igloo made out of plastic gallon milk jugs. 
Our custodian did the decorations this year. Her mother found the snowflake lights at a rummage sale just a few days before our Bible school was scheduled to start.


  1. Great decorations for your VBS!

    The movie, I Am Not Ashamed sounds like it would be really good. I wonder if it's on Pureflix?

    Great ideas at your reunion! My 40th is this year but I don't plan to go. It's in San Diego (I'm in Seattle) and it's at the same pub as the 35th and that one wasn't very good. I'll wait until the 45th or 50th. I pray you have a blessed week!

    1. Cindy: Thank you for stopping by. Our son was here this weekend for his 30th class reunion. At church yesterday, we saw a video that was put together of our VBS. It was excellent. It took a lot out of us who are of a certain age. But the kids did learn about Jesus, that's the important thing.


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

November Reflections

  A Busy Month November was a rather busy month. Or Anniversary was in this month. We had to pay property taxes, due right afte...