Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Follow Me

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. . .follow me, . . .and I will make you fishers of men.
Matt. 4:19 (NIV)

Jesus gave this invitation to the brothers, Peter and Andrew. They were fishermen by trade. He also called another pair of brothers who were fishermen, James and John.

All four of these men left ‘lucrative’, vital, and meaningful work to follow Jesus.
These brothers helped support their families by fishing. Their efforts may have helped feed those who lived near them. It was honest work.

These pairs of brothers were willing to step away from their trade, and to leave the comforts of home to accept the call of Jesus.

As I compose this, our nation is under travel restrictions we have not seen before. Only people who work as first responders, health care workers, and grocery store employees are working. All these occupations are vital to our existence as we try to stem the advance of this Coronavirus (COVID-19.)
We hear of people, organizations, and businesses working to help others to have food and even jobs in order to get through these social-distancing, shelter-in- place, lock-down mandated times.      

We all must remember that God is in charge. I find it interesting that we have this event happening during the season of Lent when Christians attempt to draw closer to Jesus and learn more about Him.

Like Peter and Andrew, James and John, we must follow Jesus as He leads us through our daily lives.


  1. I believe that God is calling us to come closer to Him during these days. It is interesting that it has happened during Lent...and it is probably helping more people think about these things from a spiritual viewpoint than ever before. I pray that whatever good is coming from this time will carry over into our lives whenever we are "set free" from this enforced period of isolation and allowed to go back to our "normal" routine. I pray many will live their lives differently, in a new and better "normal" than before. I pray that many will Follow Jesus.

    1. Pam: This is exactly what I have come to understand about the timing and the circumstances of this pandemic. I got to sit on my front porch yesterday afternoon. It was wonderful and, yet, an eye opener. I saw few, if any, people wearing masks as they drove along our street. Peace and blessings to you.


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