Friday, February 24, 2023

We Became His



When I passed by you again and looked upon you, indeed your time was a time of love; so I spread my wing over you and covered your nakedness. Yes, I swore an oath to you and entered into a covenant with you, and you became Mine,” says the Lord God.    Ezekiel 16:8 (NKJV)

God speaks to Jerusalem about His love for the city.

God speaks of covering Jerusalem’s nakedness. The city had nothing to cause God to be attracted to it. However, during the eras of David and Solomon, God made this city one of beauty. Every one knew of it.

God chose to make a covenant with the city, in doing this, the city of Jerusalem became His.

As I initially typed this post, the thought came to me that when we ask Jesus into our hearts, do we not make a covenant with Him that we belong to Him and that He is in control of our lives?

Do we understand what surrendering our hearts to Jesus truly means? God loves us and wants us to follow Him in ALL we do.

Someone was delivering an appliance to our home. He insulted me. Then, as he walked past me he took the Lord’s Name in vain. My response was, “He’s listening.” That man and his partner chose not to complete the tasks they were to do. I had to call the company where we purchased the product and register a complaint. I did not like to have to do this but Hubby felt it needed to be done. As I see it the delivery men did not honor a contract between us and the appliance store. Only God knows for sure.


  1. I can't believe someone who represents the reputation of a company could be so rude and thoughtless, Cecelia. I think you and your husband did the right thing. God will be the ultimate judge, but if the business doesn't get helpful feedback, how will they ever improve customer service?

    1. Martha: Thank you for your thoughtful words. I am waiting to hear back from the store. We had paid for them to recycle the old refrigerator. Pleas pray that I can talk to them without losing my composure. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  2. I am so very sorry for what these very ignorant people did to you. Yes, you definitely did the right thing to register a complaint, and I certainly hope they will get back to you more promptly. I am shocked that they haven't done so yet. Praying for you as you deal with this issue. May God give you the appropriate words to say and may God see to it that justice is accomplished on your behalf. (((hugs))) and prayers.


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