Thursday, March 9, 2023

Joy in His Presence

You have made known to me the ways of life.

You will make me full of joy in Your presence.

Acts 2:28 (NKJV)

Words from Psalm 16:11, spoken by the apostle Peter on the day of Pentecost.

God sent His Holy Spirit to the believers. They felt His presence and became empowered to spread the Gospel message to all.

As followers of Jesus, we may often have times when we wonder if God truly knows what we go through as we traverse this world.

Yes, He does. Because we have his presence in our homes, our places of work, our places of worship, and in our places of recreation.

As our society has become “more advanced”, we seem to have pushed God away from our day today lives. In my life, I have had two relatives tell me that they were “no longer Christian.” I honestly did not know how to respond. Now, I know what I would say to them.

God does not give up on His children, even when they give up on Him. God sometimes sees qualites in us that we don’t see, attributes He can use for His kingdom.

While initially typing this, God led me to make a phone call to a church friend who has ‘issues’ with anxiety. I had been missing her at church; usually, when I remembered I needed to call her,I felt it was too late at night.

As believers in Christ, we should find ways to bring glory to God. We can do this through prayer and fasting, through obeying His Word and direction, and through treating others as we would like to be treated.



  1. We need to be ever mindful that we are Jesus' emissaries in this world, and act accordingly.
    Blessings, Cecelia!

    1. Martha: Yes, we ALWAYS need to be mindful that we represent God. Sometimes we are the only Bible people read. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  2. Oh, I love Psalm 16 Cecelia, thanks. And you are so right, it is these small quiet promptings from the Spirit that we need to obey, so we walk in His will. Sorry to hear about relatives that claim to be no longer Christians, I pray they will come to their senses!

    1. Marja: One relative DID get right with God, on His terms, not hers. She kept saying she would return to God when He did something special for her. She passed away in a state of grace. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


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