Tuesday, April 4, 2023

March Reflections


Spring-like Weather

March came in like the proverbial lamb. March 1st was a beautiful day (76 degrees). However, the lion appeared and scared the lamb off. March 6th was a beautiful day. Temps in the high 60’s and low 70’s. Alas, winter weather reared it’s ugly head. I had a birthday this month. Roger was going to come home to help us celebrate it. But the temp was 20 degrees and wind speed about 30 mph. It was snowing the morning he would be traveling. He said he’d come the next weekend. Couldn’t come that weekend either-five inches of “liquid sunshine” (He didn’t make it for Pal Sunday weekend due to the threat of tornadoes.) Hubby bought me a bouquet of cut flowers in Roger’s stead.

These are the flowers. They still look good 18 days later. Isn't that little dog cute? We call him Buffy/

Good Check-up

Had a doctor appointment at the cancer center down the street. Blood pressure was great; weight not so great. They tested me for lymph fluid and I was within range. April is the two year mark since my surgery. I can start seeing the two oncologists here at six-month intervals (tag team style.) I believe the one I will see next has already started this six-month-rotation basis.

Feeling Better

I believe I am feeling better. I don’t know if it is that I found a way to get a good night’s sleep or if my body knows that spring is almost here. Whatever it is, I am very thankful for the improvement. It could be I found the right multi-vitamin.


I set up a spread sheet to help me keep track of the books I read this year. I had to set it up twice. The first one was on one system that I no longer subscribe to. So, I had to redo it on the one that I went to instead of the one I had. It took a while.


I am investigating the Freelance Writing field. I have a feeling I may have to go into that area of writing in order to have some other income beyond Social Security.

What I ran into was I signed up to see journalism jobs and I would get information on every other type job in the area, some I was not qualified for. Our city has been “economically depressed” since two major factories closed in the early part of this century. A lot of the ones were in other cities in our region. I have always had to drive to another city or town to work. I would rather have something closer to home or even work from home.


  1. I am so sorry that your son wasn't able to get home all month to celebrate with you, but the flowers are beautiful and the little doggy is so cute! I have been praying for you with all of the bad storms blowing around out there in your area. Praying you will stay safe in the hollow of God's Hand. So glad to hear of your good check up. God is good! I will be interested to hear how your search for Freelance writing goes. I do hope it will be something you can do from home rather than have to travel. In today's technology world it would make sense that you should be able to do it from home. Praying for something just "write" to come along. Have a blessed Holy Week.

  2. Pam: Thank you for your kind thoughts. We are looking forward to a beautiful weekend, Roger is coming home for Easter weekend. I signed up to make muffins for our Easter breakfast at church. I will be making them on Friday morning. They want most of the food there by 3:00 p.m. on Friday. Have a blessed Holy Week and Easter. Peace to you and yours.

  3. I am grateful that you are feeling better Cecelia, forward you go! Waiting for spring to come, as we do here in Holland. it's still cold and grey. Freelance writing can be done from home easily, sometimes they ask for editors or people who are willing to proofread or make corrections. I hope you can find something, you're writing is excellent!

    1. Marja: Thank you for your kind words. We are to have a beautiful Easter weekend. Our son will be here and we will have a wonderful time with him. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


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