Tuesday, July 11, 2023

God Be Thanked for Our Freedom


But God be thanked that though you were slaves of sin, yet you obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine to which you were delivered. And having been set free from sin, you became slaves of righteousness. Romans 6:17-18 (NKJV)

Paul tells the believers at Rome that God is to be thanked that they were delivered from sin. Those who had been slaves to sin. God enlightened them, they were freed from sinful ways and then started closely followed God and His teachings.

As a modern-day believer, I sometimes find it difficult to honor God by honoring His day and refraining from unnecessary purchases. I sometimes finding myself passing on information that might be considered gossip.(Do prayer needs and requests fall into this category?) Sometimes I find myself so frustrated about something that I misuse certain phrases, you know what I mean. I am not perfect. I have been enlightened and immediately seek God’s forgiveness for these transgressions.

As believers we all must (me included) strive to please Him in all we do. A friend of mine volunteers at a local nursing home. She calls bingo for the residents. She was informed that the activity budget was cut, leaving no funds for bingo prizes. She felt free to tell the church about need. In this month’s newsletter is a blurb for people of the church to donate toiletry items, clothes, and possibly candy to help the residents enjoy playing bingo. I believe my friend is striving to please God and I know she will be rewarded for her efforts.


  1. Oh, I do hope they will be able to continue the Bingo game at the nursing home. I know my MIL loved playing that when she was at the home, and often played 4 cards at a time! It was an activity that they all looked forward to. Seems like all she ever got for winning was a bag of potato chips or some other kind of treat. I like the idea of toiletries, etc. better! Yes, we all sin and fall short of the glory of God, but praise be to Jesus, we are set free from our sins through His shed blood! Hallelujah, What a Savior!! Amen.

  2. Pam: I remember when a friend and I were able to do nursing home visitation, a gentleman we visited always had stuffed animals he had won playing bingo. When he amassed several, he sent them to his great-granddaughters. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  3. Yes, what a generous and selfless thing your friend is doing, Cecelia.

    1. Martha Jane: She is a dear lady. She was one of my first friends when we started going to a different church. Her siblings never had a lot when they were growing up. But she has God's love in her heart. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  4. I just wrote a blog post about a life pleasing to God, and now I read yours. How fitting. There is something to do for all of us, no matter how big or small. Thanks for this reminder Cecelia.

    1. Marja: God works in wonderous ways. Thank you for your kind thought, Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  5. "For even as ye have yielded your members in bondage to uncleanness and to lawlessness unto lawlessness, so now yield your members in bondage to righteousness unto holiness", v 19.

    1. David: Thank you for your thoughtful addition. Peace and blessings to you.


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