Monday, March 18, 2024

God Alone


Jesus and the children at our church's prayer walk.

         I will both lie down in peace and sleep; For You alone, O LORD make me dwell in safety.

Psalm 4:8 (NKJV)

Words penned by David.

Having had too many nights with either minimal or no sleep, I picked up my Bible and reread this verse. A dear friend shared it with me many years ago.

What I realized as I went through another sleepless night was that I was not trusting God for some things going on around me that may affect me.

This verse tells me that David would be able to rest in peace and then sleep. He then tells the LORD that He alone keeps him safe.

How did God keep David safe? By being with him during the times Saul was chasing him. Also, when his son was hunting him down.

Each of us will have times when we feel that our back is against the wall or that we are in a circumstance by ourselves. God is with us as we go through those rough spots.

Our pastor has spent the past 50 days recovering from a stroke, there were days that it was one step forward followed by two steps backward. Prayer has kept him and his wife going as he has received intense therapy at a hospital in a neighboring city. He will be coming home in four days.

Prayer: Father God. Thank You for being with us during the difficult times in our lives. Thank You for reminding us that You are always are with us, guiding us through those times. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen



  1. Such wonderful news about your pastor, Cecelia! Prayers certainly did the trick, and our faithful God heard every one. I think it's marvelous that he will be back home in time for Easter.
    Blessings to you, my friend, and rest peacefully, knowing God is taking good care of you!

    1. Martha Jane: Thank you for your prayers. We have another gentleman who will be traveling from Tennessee to receive treatment for blood clots. His name is Bob. His wife's name is Nancy. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  2. Replies
    1. Lisa: Thank you for your warm thought. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  3. We each need a safe place to put our trust. I'm glad that David's words came through for you to bring you peace as you pray for your pastor. I hope he is continuing to recover.

    1. Lisa: Thank you for your observations. Pastor Rick was released from the intensive therapy hospital two weeks ago yesterday. He has to go for therapy three times a week. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


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