Monday, November 18, 2024

The Ingredients of Trust


We Have to Know God!

Trusting God is learned behavior. We trust someone because we know that person. We believe whatever that person tells us is true. We have to KNOW that God is always steadfast and can always be trusted by His children.

We Must Be Patient

When we give something to God in prayer, we must be patient and wait for Him to act. I love the King James word for patient-long-suffering. In the Bible Study I attend, a gentleman said something about trust. He then said trusting involves waiting. This gentleman is correct in his thinking, To totally, absolutely trust God, we have to wait for Him to work.

We Must Believe that He Will Act on Our Requests.

Trust also involves reliance on the Lord. We cannot say we trust Him and decide to “do it our way”. When we choose to go our own way with a project or a simple action, we tell Him, as well as those around us, that we do not truly follow Him and His leading.

Now, just because we ask Him for something, He might not answer our prayer as we would like. might not think we are ready for the answer we ask. He may have something better in store for us. Maybe His answer is “Yes”, maybe it is “No”. Maybe it is “Not right now!” Whatever His answer to our petitions, He knows best and acts on our behalf.


  1. Thank you, Cecelia, for sharing your on-point thoughts here. Let us hand all our cares and troubles over to God and be willing to wait upon His answers in His time. Blessings!

  2. Martha Jane: Thank you for your kind words. We MUST turn over all our problems to God. He is the only one who can take care of them for us. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  3. Melody: Thank you for stopping by. We Must trust God in order to learn more of Him and to eventually serve Him. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  4. Amen! Too often I pray about something, then try to figure it out myself. I have to apologize to the Lord again and again. I'm so thankful He's a patient God. And is willing to teach these lessons over and over!

  5. Pam: You are so right. Growth in the Lord increases our ability to trust in Him. Even if we don't understand how He guides us, we can trust that His way is best for us. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  6. I think about trust a lot, even in the context of human institutions. So many people are trusting each other less and less, and trusting institutions less and less. Sometimes it may be warranted, but other times it's sad to see how distrusting people can be when it would be safe to trust. Thanks for your faithfulness in sharing about your word, Cecelia.

    1. Lisa: Thank you for your insightful thoughts. My choosing to explore a word each year has seemed to help me grow in Him in ways I had never thought possible. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  7. THank you so much. That is a great lesson.


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