Saturday, February 1, 2025

Thou Shalt Not Murder


As a general rule, I do not comment on news events happening in our world. This post is an exception.

Earlier this winter, a man was killed in New York City. He was there for a meeting. His purpose was to speak at the gathering.

Instead, he was shot down from behind, in the back, and immediately died. He was an executive of a health insurance company. He was a son, a husband and a father of two sons.

I heard of people accessing social media who seem to say that the perpetrator did something admirable. Lately, I have not gone on social media for very long.

As I sat one recent evening, watching a late-night news program, the scripture verse came to me, “You shall not murder” (Exodus 20:13 {NKJV})

In all the aftermath, I did not hear anyone even refer to this commandment from God. Have the people of our nation and those who keep us informed forgotten this message?

Yes, my first thought was the young man may have had personal issues with the company. However. That was not the case. Neither he nor his family had any dealings with that company.


God had a reason for telling Moses, “Thou shall not kill”; any time someone is killed, the very act causes anguish for two families, as well as close friends, of both parties involved.

We can only pray that God can reach those who encourage violence to look to Him instead of taking things intot their own hands.


  1. That news absolutely broke my heart when I heard it, Cecelia. And that there were people who seemingly celebrated this man's heinous deeds? Despicable! May our nation turn away from the evil in the world and follow our holy God in heaven. Blessings!

    1. Last night on the television news, I saw droves of people carrying signs that said they support him. I have to begin praying that they see this in God's eyes.

  2. This is such a thoughtful and heartfelt reflection. It’s heartbreaking to see how human life is devalued in our world, and your words are a needed reminder of God’s commandment and the weight of its meaning. Every life lost leaves behind grief, pain, and brokenness for so many.

    I completely agree—we need to turn to God in prayer, asking Him to soften hearts and bring His peace into places filled with anger and violence. May He comfort the families affected and remind us all of the sacredness of life.

    Thank you for sharing this. It’s an important message, and I appreciate your courage in speaking up. 🙏💙

  3. "Have the people of our nation and those who keep us informed forgotten this message?"

    It seems so.

    1. Sandi: It seems that the people around us truly have forgotten God and His instructions. I see it every day via the TV news and the newspapers. We can only pray for them and for God's Word to regain our nation's attention. Be Blessed.


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

Thou Shalt Not Murder

  As a general rule, I do not comment on news events happening in our world. This post is an exception. Earlier this winter, a man w...