Wednesday, March 23, 2011

God Revives the Lowly

“For this is what the high and lofty One says- he who lives forever,

whose name is holy; ‘I live in a high and holy place, but also with him

who is contrite and lowly on spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and

to revive the heart of the contrite. Isaiah 57:15 (NIV)

As children, we had times when we got injured. When I was learning how to roller skate I took several falls where I cried. When I learned to ride a bicycle, I had a couple of accidents that seemed major to me.

There was this large tree, located about half a block from our house. At its base a projection grew out away from the main trunk. I remember thinking it was fun to get as close to that tree as I could when I rode past it. One day, I got too close. My front wheel went onto the root like projection. My bike fell onto the sidewalk and I landed on my left side. My elbow hurt. I don’t remember how I got home but I do remember my mother tenderly looking at my arm, trying to decide if it was broken, which it wasn’t.

God, as our heavenly parent, tends our hurts and helps us recover from them. When we fall away and realize we need to get back on track, He brings us back to where He can work with us and gives us strength to face what lay ahead for us.


  1. Hi Quiet Spirit -

    Thank you for a beautiful picture of God's grace.

    Susan :)

  2. Isn't it wonderful knowing God will always catch us when we fall? Thank you for sharing this.


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

The Lord

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