Friday, April 4, 2014

Consider Peter-RJD April 2014

Journal Entry, February 26, 2004

Mark 14:27-31

Peter boasted to Jesus, “The others might leave you but I will follow you even to your death.” Jesus replied, “Peter, you are wrong about this, in fact you will deny me three times before the cock crows twice.”

This man Peter is a very interesting person to modern day readers. He is best described as impetuous. William Barclay describes him as “having a quick temper and given to quarrelling, a typical Galilean. But Peter, like the Galileans, had a tender chivalrous side.” Barclay describes him further as “emotional, easily roused by an appeal to adventure and loyal to the end.”*

Tonight, I went to see “The Passion of the Christ”, depicting the last 12 hours of Jesus’ life. The movie showed Peter boasting that he would follow Jesus to the end. In the depiction of the three denials I saw Peter as he realized what he had done. He looked stunned then devastated.

Each of us has a little bit of Simon Peter in our make-up. We say things that sound great, eve admirable. But then reality sets in and we have to face our humanity. And wait for an opportunity to try to do better. Peter does get to tell Jesus that he loves Him. Peter is restored, actually commissioned to carry Christ’s message and Christianity to others.


Yes, there is a bit of Peter in each of us, especially me. I find myself thinking about doing this or that and the project doesn’t get done, doesn’t even get beyond the mental planning stage. Or I abandon said project when, I don’t see it going anywhere or to a place I like.
Maybe, the things I think about are not what Jesus wants me to do. Maybe He has something else in mind for me at that time.  Yes, I have been impetuous and put my foot in my mouth several times over the years. I am human . . . so was Peter. Of the principles in the story of Holy Week, I identify with Peter. With whom do you identify?


Graphic:quietspirt-following my king.

1.     * William Barclay The Master’s Men


  1. Well, I so get Peter. When I first became a Christian I was listening to a talk show guy talk about Peter... and I remember thinking , boy that Peter, what an impulsive, rash and brazen guy. I had a chiding from the HS , a bit of my own bits and pieces were brought up by the One who knows all, and I began the journey of God's Humility Training Camp for Baby Christians. Yeah... it's a humbling journey, but I am glad I'm on it. He is faithful! ANd in the end He got Peter , the Rock to His own place of faithfulness for the Faith!
    Thanks for linking and for your patience today while I attended to the link!

    1. Dawn: Thank you for your sharing from your heart. I used to think that Peter and Thomas were 'strange.' Who would have the nerve to behave like they did? The some speker pointed out that we sometimes get that rash and have doubts about Jesus, Have a nice weekend.

  2. Oh Jean, I've been a Peter, too. Too often. Impetuous, proud, boastful...all of the above can apply to me. This is very helpful. Every time I read Peter's proud words to Jesus, I'm struck by how I could say them. How I've said a version of them, too. And how I'd be at that fire when the cock crowed. It's a hard thing to face oneself and know. But it's also an amazing grace to know He died and forgave and set Peter to rights. As He does you and me.

    1. Carolyn: We all have been a Peter at one time or another in our lives. Yes, Peter was prideful; but then so are we at times. Praise God for setting Peter right and Praise Him for doing it for us.

  3. I think the gift of Peter is his humanity. We can burst to overflowing with hearts that love God and yet be crippled by human frailty and fear. But God sees us through and through and loves us in spite of our weaknesses and cherishes us every step of the way. Thank heavens, right?! :)

    1. Dawn M. What you say is beautiful. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. "and loves us in spite of our weaknesses" speaks to my heart this morning. Blessings on you and yours.

  4. Surely this is a site well worth seeing.

  5. It's never a good idea to brag about how we'll handle a situation. The best preparation is staying close to the Lord and relying on His grace - not our own strength.

    1. Susan: Thank you for your thoughful words. You are so right, It's a lesson we should learn as we mature. God is faithful.

  6. You can't help but like Peter in spite of his impetuosity. He was a mover and a shaker, even though he got it very wrong sometimes.

    I appreciate him. :)

    1. Rhonda: Peter is one of my favorites. He has a good heart and he gets excited and sticks his foot in his mouth, like a lot of us do.


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