Wednesday, April 2, 2014


 “Therefore, God exalted him to the highest place and  gave him the name above every name.”
Philippians 2:9 (NIV)

“Therefore. . .” Because of all that God had done. Jesus humbled himself.

“God exalted him. . .” God raised up His Son. At baptism, He sent down His Spirit in the form of a dove. He spoke words of pride, “This is my son, in whom I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:16-17, NIV) Matthew Henry tells us “because he humbled himself, God exalted him. He exalted the whole person, the human nature as well as the divine. His exaltation is made to consist of honour (sic) and power.”1

“. . .to the highest place. . .” The highest place is in heaven—at the right hand of God. This is a very hallowed place reserved for only the most perfect of people. God granted Jesus, His perfect Son, the right to rule with Him.

“. . . the name above every name.” When we name our children, we give each of them a name that is special to us. God gave His Son, the greatest honor of all—a name possibly known only to Him. 

1. Commentary on the Whole Bible by Matthew Henry, Marshall, Morgan and Scott Ltd. London©1960, © 1961 by Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Page 1863


  1. Interesting that meeting our need isn't mentioned in this setting; it's the moral glory of Christ in His humiliation and the resultant glory conferred on Him by God.
    What a day when every knee shall bow to Him!

  2. David: Thank you for your insightful comment. I just finished reading Max Lucado's book, "It's not about me." Jesus Christ will be centerstage at that time. My mind can scarcely take that scene.

  3. Good things to meditate on. Thank you, Cecelia. Have a good weekend!


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