Tuesday, October 1, 2024

September Reflections


An Interesting Month

September has truly been an interesting month. We have had summer weather and fall weather alternating with each other, a week at a time.

We had drought conditions. Our city posted no-fire orders. The third weekend of the month, on Friday night, the area to the north of our city received rain as their Heritage Days festival was commencing.

On Saturday, our church hosted a Community Market and had a lot of vendors fill part of of our parking lot. The weather was warm and clear.

On that Sunday, we had a 90th birthday party for one of our ladies in the congregation. Her family hosted the event. About 12:00, someone looked outside and said, “It’s raining.”

It was coming down hard. (I thought it would start about 1:00 P. M. so, before I left home, I didn’t grab mu raincoat. I couldn’t think where an umbrella was.) I asked a gentleman to do me a favor and drive me across the parking lot to where my car was. He did. Not until I stepped out of his car, could I see the water was standing. My canvas flats filled up with water through the soles. When I got home. I had to put them on our porch to dry out. I also dropped my purse in that water.

A Big Answer to Prayer

The lady who leads our Sunday school class, recently had a mishap. She is disabled, in a wheelchair, and could not manage to get into their car so her husband could take her to work. She is the treasurer of our church. They realized their need to seriously look for a transport van so she would not have to manipulate getting into and out of the wheelchair several times when they had to be out. Several of us at church prayed that they find an affordable transport van. On the 24th of September, they went car shopping and found what they needed. I called to check on them that evening and she shared the good news with me. They found what they needed on that day. All who have heard and will hear this news, I’m certain, will be praising God for this.

Hurricane Helene

Our area, like a lot of the south and the mid-west, were on alert about being in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. Rain was predicted for at least three straight days. The lady who gives the weather on one of our local TV channels was very stern about the forecast and the precautions we need to take.. I believe it rained every day that week. This is after we experienced drought conditions for quite sometime.


I haven’t done much writing until now. I intend to, as the LORD leads me. I, recently mentioned a book title at Bible Study. As we were preparing to leave my one friend asked me where she could get a book other than Amazon. I thought she meant the book I mentioned. I found that one on another website. I sent her the link. She clarified what she was asking. She wanted to know about “my latest book”. I had to tell her I had only done one book. Maybe God is trying to tell me something.

Searching for WOTY 2025

I have a list of possible words to consider for the upcoming year. Right now, there are five. I believe I have chosen the word, unless God chooses another one for me.

Prayers Please

Please pray for me. I need discernment in a certain area of my life.

Monday, September 30, 2024

Absolute Trust


In re-reading a chapter in my book for Sunday school, I ran across I ran across the term “absolute trust”. This term caught me off guard.

A quick look in my dictionary told me that absolute had several meanings. I believe the best definition in this instance is not limited, without any restrictions.

Absolute trust can only become something we have when we completely turn everything over to Jesus. It is a state of our hearts that we achieve only as we mature in our faith.

Absolute trust must be something we have every day; this is not just a Sunday morning trust or faith. We have to exercise trust in order for our trust to grow.

As I apply what I learn of this term, I will look at events and my surroundings in a different light.


Father God: Please allow me to learn to trust You without reservation especially

when I am confronted by new circumstances in my life. In the Name of Jesus, I pray. AMEN

Friday, September 27, 2024

Hagar’s Thought



She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her:

You are the God who sees me,” for she said,

I have now seen the One who sees me.

Genesis 16:13 (NIV)

Hagar was a servant of Sarah and Abraham. Sarah was barren and wanted to bear Abraham a son.

Sarah took things in her own hands and gave Hagar to Abraham. When Hagar realized she as with child, she acted haughty toward Sarah.

Sarah asked Abraham what she could do about Hagar’s attitude. Abraham told her to do what she must. In other words, he passed the back back to Sarah.

Hagar eventually got tired of the rough treatment and fled into the desert. It was there that an angel of God appeared and spoke to her. The angel told her that she would have a son and he would be great among his people.

Hagar’s response speaks to many of us today.”You are the God who sees me!”

Yes, we have a God, the Lord Almighty, who sees each of His children as we go through our days. In today’s world people either forget that or choose to ignore it.

Father God:

Please remind us that You see all we do and hear all we say. Guide us in the way You want us to live as we live for you. In Jesus’ Name, I pray, Amen.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024



An old hymn with a different voice.

A new song. Our praise band played and sang it.

Jesus Strong and Kind

This is one I really liked.

We sang these songs on the past two Sundays. I thought you would like to hear them.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

In the Light of His Countenance




                                  Blessed are the people who know the joyful sound\!

                 They walk, O Lord, in the light

                     of Your countenance.
                   In Your name they rejoice all day long,
                    And in Your righteousness, they are exalted.
                  For You are the glory of their strength,
               And in Your favor our horn is exalted.

                                                                      Psalm 89:15-17(NKJV)

I came across this passage as I participated in a time of prayer and fasting. It caused me to pause and reflect on certain phrases.

who walk in the light of Your countenance

We, who claim to be believers in Jesus, must choose to walk with Him and do as He directs us.

In Your name they rejoice all day long,

From time to time in each day, we may have events, small or large, that cause us to give praise or thanks to Jesus for. Your list may be different from your best friend’s. We may give thanks for having the sunshine coming through our windows. We may feel thankful that we have heat or air-conditioning and fans, depending on the weather or time of year. We may receive an answer to prayer. We may give praise to God for the progress a friend has made after being severely ill.

Prayer: Father God, Thank You for Your presence each minute of the day. Thank You for everything You do for us from the time we awaken to the time we go to sleep. You are so precious to us. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. AMEN

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

August Reflections



Getting Back in the Swing of Things

I thought I found myself getting back to feeling like doing some things. I didn’t know if it is the cooler weather or a “just do it” attitude had taken over. That feeling didn’t hang around for long.

Posting on a Forum

I placed my blog post,”Trust Fall” on this forum that I frequent. I received a lot of good remarks from some of the other members. That made me feel very good.

I missed going to a wedding

The audio-visual man at church got married on the first Saturday of August. I awoke that morning with a sour tummy. I chose not to go because I did not know where that sourness would lead. I had a card already made out. On Sunday, the couple were in church. As I handed her the card, I explained why I was absent the day before. She understood. So did a lady who is related to the husband’s brother. Everyone knew that I made a good choice.

Bible Study

The Bible study I attend on Thursdays is very interesting. The discussions have let me learn more about those with whom I worship. They use the Life Guide series from Inter Varsity Press. We studied Proverbs in July and August. I learned a lot about the topics we studied.

Pastor Rick

This month our Pastor, still on medical leave, walked the entire length of the pew area to receive communion. He then walked across the front of that section of pews and returned to his seat at the back of the sanctuary.

Two days later, we had a funeral for a 99-year old lady who was a member of our church. He spoke for about five minutes, sharing memories of the dear lady. He walked up to the speakers stand, carrying a small three ring binder in his injured left hand. Those was two miracles we witnessed that first week of the month.

New Glasses

I had an eye exam in July. I ordered new glasses. The gentleman who fitted me for them told me they would be in on August 4th.

That date was on a Sunday. The place is closed on Sundays. I chose not to correct him. Sure enough, I received a phone call on Monday with the news that my glasses were in. We went and picked them up that afternoon.

The Cooler Weather

The thermometer created a wonderful break from the intense heat we had this summer. A woman in out Sunday school class did not like the cool weather this month, “This is August; it’s supposed to be hot.” But, the relief from the heat turned out to be short-lived.

God’s Guidance For Us

When we ask God to guide us, what are we asking Him to do? Do we ask Him for His guidance or do we ask Him to approve our plans for what we want to do?

By asking Him to guide us through a difficult time, we allow Him to:

Guard us from questionable influences.

Unite us with others whp can help us.

Infuse us with Your Spirit.

Don’t give up on us.

Envelop us, Your children with Your love.

Prayers, Please

Please pray for my family. That’s all I can say at this time. Thank you!

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Counter-cultural, what does it Mean?


In my reading, I have come across the term, “counter-cultural” several times.

Cultural, in this sense, to me means the ways+ of our society and, yes, even our world.

As Christ-followers, we observe the habits and attitudes of people going more and more away from what God expects of us.

We are to stand for Christ. How can we do that?

1. We keep our word.

2. We honor our commitments when we can.

3. We choose our words carefully.

4. We refrain from doing or saying things that bring harm to others.

5. We honor Christ in how we live and how we talk.

6. We honor life and value the lives of others.

7. We monitor how we spend our time and resources.

September Reflections

  An Interesting Month September has truly been an interesting month. We have had summer weather and fall weather alternating with ...