Friday, April 24, 2009

Walking with the Lord

As we journey through life, we children of God call our time spent with Him our walk. The path we take can bless us or it can cause us to ponder our behavior. The pace of this journey is set by the Lord.

A friend, who taught our adult Sunday School class, more than once reminded us that we weren't to ’run before the Lord’. When she first said it, I had a mental picture of a person running very hard, wearing themselves out. I chuckled and thought, Yes, I have done that several times.

Sometime we get an idea we want to do. We start on it without consulting Jesus. Things don't work out as we would like. We have trouble finding the time to work on the project. We finally ask God to bless our labor.

We learn from hard experience that we need to walk with the Lord. We have to ask Jesus' guidance and direction before we begin any venture. Another former Sunday School teacher I had asked the questions, What would our world be like if we asked God for His guidance before we began a project? How would our families or our churches be different?

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