Thursday, June 24, 2010


“Do not be wise in your own eyes;

fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring

health to your body and nourishment to your

bones. Proverbs 3:7 (NIV)

From time to time, a dear friend of mine reminds us that we can’t see around corners, only God can. We can neither see into the future, again that’s God’s ability.

We know hindsight is 2020. We have difficulties making decisions or plans for our lives. Solomon tells us here to not rely on what we see as we plan for the future. We need to revere God and seek His wisdom as we choose our way through life.

These decisions in life can be as simple as whether we arise with the first sounding of the alarm clock or we hit the snooze button. We choose also the number of times we elect to allow it to go through its cycle. Each day we come to many crossroads, requiring us to either choose or reject a path along our journey.

We can follow our own wishes and wants or lean on God and let Him lead us through these many intersections of life. The important issue here is to trust God for the result.

Solomon, in all his wisdom, tells us we will be rewarded for our choice of following God rather than our own desires. He says our actions will bring us good health and nourishment to our bodies and our bones.

This thought makes me think, “Is there anytime I made a wrong choice and caused an illness or a disorder to come upon me?” I’m sure there have been and, for my actions, I am sorry.


  1. Hi Quiet Spirit -

    Thanks for a thought-provoking post.

    Susan :)

  2. Good food for thought. Have a wonderful weekend.
    Karen :)

  3. What a great reminder, QS. Trust God. Trust God. Trust God.




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